Qld Politics

I’m disappointed but at least there are no Greens elected and the Environment Minister, Andrew McNamara, lost his seat. With the ALP losing between 8 and 10 seats it does bring us closer to power but there is a lot of work to be done. In a group discussing the election on Friday there was one intelligent, educated young voter who wasn’t sure which way he was going to vote and when I pointed out some of the corruption he countered; “I don’t know any of the history, I’ll vote on what I see now” and there is our problem. We conservatives need to take lessons from the ALP; Federal and State, and the US Democrats, and go to where the young ones socialize and hit them with facts. Facebook springs to mind; use all the resources of the internet and give them no excuse to vote ALP when they know all the facts. Like Obama or not, you have to respect his campaign on the road to the White House. Go read the article and remember – to win, we need to know the enemy. Here was a man who was introduced to politics by a member of a group of murders, the Weathermen, but it didn’t matter because not enough voters knew what the hell a Weatheman was…didn’t know the history….. but they recognized someone who spoke their language and he spoke their language where they congregated – on the internet. Here was a man who had never done anything significant but it didn’t matter – he spoke their language. We need to start campaigning now. We need a new leader, good looking with presence, male or female, educated, articulate, from a metro seat and they must have computer savvy. Not a programmer or hardware mechanic, but someone who understands the basic principles of the internet and its power and someone who is prepared to rewrite the Conservative Campaigning Handbook. Otherwise…get used to the back benches and more incompetence and corruption. With the ALP totally in control of the media, the law and the Public Service and the young ones not “knowing the history” and voting based on the last 10 second screen bite they saw on telly, it could be a long, cold winter.


  • Kev
    “I don’t know any of the history, I’ll vote on what I see now”
    In the end, people will interpret history through the prism of their learned values and their life experiences.
    Hence you and I may differ on the significance of (for example) the Fitzgerald inquiry or our involvement in Vietnam.
    The important issue is that in this country we can have a change of power without bloodshed. (The occasional assault at polling places seems to be the worst that happens).
    We should never take that for granted.

  • Kev, you speak of corruption, is that in reference to Sir Joh?? Most corrupt Premier ever?

  • All I can say is why I think ALP should have been belted a little harder, thank god we don’t have Clive “fat boy” Palmer running the state.

  • No, I wasn’t referring to Joh and I’d rather have Palmer running the state than unions and their left wing mates. At least Palmer understands creation of wealth whereas what we have at the moment are people who only understand redistribution of same.

  • So what about the corruption of the Joh days?

  • Yes, you are right. Once upon a time Joe played loose and I must admit when I first came to Queensland I wouldn’t read the first pages of the Courier Mail as they offended my ideas of the West Minister System but I did like a few of his moves. They include telling the Electrical Trade Union if they didn’t allow the power back on when they had been holding the state to ransom he would name them with their addresses in the press. End of problem. The other thing I like about him was that he regularly told the Greens to fuck off and get a life.

    He ruled over a period of economic growth and can be said to have helped saved the nation with the part he played in getting rid of Whitlam.

    So what about the corruption and danger of the Whitlam days?

    Back to the debate – it’s about now and with the election of Anna there will be no inquiries until they are gone, but the truth will out and it will smell badly.

  • Kev, point taken I deplore corruption of any kind, including that of Nuttal and Talbot. I must admit ignorance to the corruption of the Whitlam years, however will try and read up on it, can you point me in the right direction.

  • Jim Cairns was at one stage the Deputy PM under Whitlam and was actively involved in raising money at Victorian universities to give to the Viet Cong so they could better kill us diggers.

    Whitlam, along with Rex Conner perpetrated the Loans Affair whereby they would borrow billions from the Arabs for their social programs. They bypassed the Loans Commission set up to stop this sort of rorting and very nearly multiplied the national debt by a figure of three overnight.

    Google Whitlam loans affair and treat the sites with care. A lot of people from the Left still think he is a God in spite of all the evidence to the contrary

    They acted like a bunch of rebels after having toppled a government and literally went crazy with the power

    A very sad and embarrassing time in our history and as I met foreigners during those years they would always ask “what on earth is going on – your government is acting like a Third World Maoist party” and they were right.

  • Cheers Kev, I will get onto that, may move me more to the right, I don’t like what you say Jim Cairns did.

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