Mae West lives on

Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just glad to see me? A FORMER soldier, John Radoll, suffering trauma from his time in the army took a loaded gun into a Brisbane nightclub because he wanted to impress women, a court has been told. It worked – Security evacuated the club. One woman chatted to Radoll, sat on his lap and had her photo taken with him after she discovered he had a gun secreted down the front of his jeans. The other called security. The court was told the gun had been a `”memento” from Radoll’s brief career in the Australian Army, where he served in East Timor. What do the court think? That the Army issues pistols for ever? He carries a loaded, concealed weapon into public – into a night club with alcohol and the Beak only gives him one year suspended with no conviction recorded provided that he undergo six counselling sessions with a psychologist. Strange!


  • Probably would have been the same outcome if anything untoward had happened with him and the pistol.

    Not too tightly wrapped, that one.

    The ex soldier’s needing help, too.

  • this is my nephew maybe he does need help but who is out there to give help to these boys

  • Julie,
    Plenty of people. Us older veterans do help the young ones but we need to get to them before troubles start. I will contact you via other means.

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