Rudd saves us from heatwave!

KEVIN Rudd will use a multi-billion-dollar green jobs package to stimulate the economy as new figures show the budget will be at least $15 billion a year in deficit for the next four years, before adding in the cost of new spending.
More than 2.2 million owner-occupied homes will qualify for free ceiling insulation under the Prime Minister’s plan, an element of a multi-pronged economic stimulation package expected to be announced tomorrow. The Government will also double, from $500 to $1000, ceiling insulation subsidies for owners of 500,000 rental properties.
Basic tenet; if a project has the word ‘greens’ in it’s title it is not going to help the economy. Such superb timing as well. As half the country is experiencing a heatwave Rudd offers “the answer” Look at me! I even save you from heatwaves. Let’s wait and see, like we are waiting for substance from all his other ‘answers’. Note to myself – I need an ‘Eye rolling’ smilie.


  • A great idea, CEO of NAB gave the package 8/10. Help reduce emissions while providing jobs for Australians. What would Turnbull do, probably blow a lot of hot air like he has lately. At least the libs can never say that interest rates will always be lower under a liberal government anymore (or not for a long time anyway).

  • I’m an old cynic and question amazing coincidences. Fancy a heatwave and then it’s fixed – a subsidy for insulation.. And when the winter brings us a snap freeze I wait with baited breath for a heating subsidy (eco-friendly of course)

    You’re right – Turnbull is as full as hot air as Rudd is. I wait for a conservative leader to appear who is cast outside of the Labour Lite mold that Turnbull comes from

    Interest rates bounce back after a recession Eddie, we will have to wait and see how high.

  • But insulation helps in winter too. I know I am a one sided lefty, but I really think it is a good idea, saving on energy and greenhouse gas emissions and stimulating the economy at the same time, I will be signing up for it.

  • I have bought just two homes ( both in Canberra) that did not have roof insulation and when it was added, I could not tell the difference – summer or winter.

    I wonder if we might be better off painting roofs white.

  • HRT, i assume that stands for Holden Racing Team? My mother had it done, and it has made a massive difference. BTW how did Skaife go last year???

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