Life interferes

Life continues to interfere with my posting as I struggle to cope with organizing a Regimental Reunion; the impending marriage of my baby (well, shes actually 31 but you Dads know what I mean. She is my fifth child by ten minutes – second born twin!); finish the electrics on a camper trailer I am building; get myself ready to go away with the Cattle Club from the local College this weekend and maintain a marriage. It was political for me on Sunday to help my wife garden instead of camper trailering – good move, but I need to push the trailer now. As my wife leaves for one of her mystery visits somewhere she drops the line ” shall we go to see Gran Torino today?” Yes, of course we should…..lunch….movie….coffee…chat…afternoon gone. Never mind. I look forward to seeing the movie and the camper trailer electrics are sufficiently developed so as to have lights – I can always work into the night. UPDATE: Just back from seeing Gran Torino. Do yourself a favour and see it. If you don’t laugh and cry you have no soul


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