Obama ordained!

Forgive me Father Obama for I have sinned. I see problems where the media see hope and I beg your indulgence to listen to some antipodean thoughts. With the High Priest Al Gore back in a ringside seat I hope you don’t drop too many dollars in the collection plate at next Sunday’s service at the Church of the Latter Day Alarmists but I suspect you will. Spend money on R & D for a better future by all means, but any money given to Gore’s church will produce nothing but warm fuzzy feelings. With the Clinton ‘Two for One Team” lock up your interns and do try and convince Bill that giving housing loans to people who can’t service them is a formula for disaster. Refer to Wall Street for evidence – tell them to google ‘Sub-Prime’ + ‘Clinton’ if it’s not immediately clear. In the meantime keep blaming Bush – the media demand you do and the people are primed to lay blame for all wrongs at his feet – the tactic has worked so far. Otherwise good luck with this team and do have plenty of security for when Hilary is targeted by more snipers as she spreads your word. As she travels it might be prudent to suggest to her that she goes easy on ‘misspoken’ moments. The Arabs might misconstrue her words as fact Father Obama, you must exile Bill Ayers from your church. Although most of the people who voted for you either support him or have never heard of him, he is dangerous and a stain on your priesthood. I know you and he have a thing going, that he helped you start in politics and that you most probably believe in what he does but for the sake of your country and your term give him the flick. Keep on telling the people liars about your association with him..it has worked so far and anyway, whatever you do the media will put a gloss on it. They most probably have sympathy for him as well as I recall that he only tried to murder “system people’ (read: police) and conservatives. Good luck with Guantanamo Father. I figure by sometime next week you will come to the same realization that the Bush administration did and that is; it is filled in the main by Islamic zealots who want to destroy the US. They wanted to destroy the US when they were captured and when you release them, if you do, they will continue trying to destroy the US. No amount of Human Rights lawyers will change this fact but it will confirm it if you listen to the them and release the sub species currently incarcerated there. Careful Father. Enjoy your honeymoon but very soon, for the first time in your life, you will be obliged to make decisions and actually do something. I just hope you get good advice.


  • Two quotes from Presidential inaugural addresses –

    “We shall reflect the compassion that is so much a part of your makeup. How can we love our country and not love our countrymen; and loving them, reach out a hand when they fall, heal them when they’re sick, and provide opportunity to make them self-sufficient so they will be equal in fact and not just in theory?”

    And –

    “For as much as government can do and must do, it is ultimately the faith and determination of the American people upon which this nation relies. It is the kindness to take in a stranger when the levees break, the selflessness of workers who would rather cut their hours than see a friend lose their job which sees us through our darkest hours. It is the firefighter’s courage to storm a stairway filled with smoke, but also a parent’s willingness to nurture a child, that finally decides our fate.”

    Both are talking about compassion. Both are first term addresses. Both are exhortations to unite – not divide.

    When Obama talks about “recriminations and worn out dogmas”, maybe he is referring to the memes in this post. Maybe, given the mess that the USA is in, it’s time to move on.

    Notice the similarity in the two extracts?

    By the way, the first was Ronald Reagan in 1981, the second Barack Obama in 2009.

  • After all is said and done great speeches generally means great speech writers so I wait for great actions. Reagan did well, let’s wait and see what Obama comes up with.

  • It was a trite speech poorly delivered by a man who represents more of the same dithering experienced during the inept years of the Clinton administration.

  • As you like comparing speeches 17 whatever – here’s a few ‘similarities’ http://hotair.com/archives/2009/01/21/daily-show-obamas-inaugural-address-not-so-changey/

  • Peter W
    “It was a trite speech poorly delivered by a man who represents more of the same dithering experienced during the inept years of the Clinton administration.
    My recall of the end of the Clinton administration was is that the US economy was in a far better state, the US was generally respected worldwide, and the Middle East was far less problematical than it is now. If that’s “dithering”, the results were a whole lot better than what Bush “achieved”.
    BTW, if you’re going to refer, refer to commentary – not polemic.

  • Hey stop your bitching!

    Obama is not really going to turn everything upside down. He’s just going to be another Democrat…

    The Republicans are really good at making America what only America can and should be -like it or not, the Democrats are really good at doing not very much.

    Sure the country’s economy (like most) is not in good shape- a bit of which has been effected by Bush, alot of which has been effected by Clinton.

    I hope Obama does help to rebuild, but he is not superman -nor is he able to do what really needs to be done, after all 1) He’s the President (puppet) 2) He owes a lot of people who got him there

  • “…the US was generally respected worldwide…”

    Black Hawk Down and the subsequent tail twisting runaway from Somalia, ineffective cruise missile responses to terrorist attacks various including the ‘Sudanese medicine factory’, sticking a cigar into the vagina of an intern to suck on later in the oval office etc etc etc….

    Seems to me 17 whatever you have a very selective memory.

  • 1735099 – Clinton had the benefit of a Republican majority congress when Republicans still remembered what Republican meant.

    This is what Bush contended with once he got a Pelosi Democrat majority congress. This Democrat majority congress has the lowest approval in U.S. history, lower than Bush approval ratings ever hit. Fun to watch Obama get passed the snouts of Pelsoi, Frank and Reid..

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