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Abbott spot on

In an interview with the Australian Women’s Weekly, the Opposition Leader says women should try to stick to ”the rules” when considering sex before marriage. When they could not abstain, they should use contraception, he says. All this in response to being asked by a reporter ‘What’s the advice you would give to your own kids?’. Abbott explains;
“Obviously a parent talking to his or her own children is going to be saying different things than someone talking to the world at large … and the last thing I would want to do is to impose my views on the wider world, but in my position I think I’ve got to be honest and upfront about what my views are.”
The feminists, ALP diehards, Conservative haters and assorted camp followers are still screaming. Sorry folks, it’s how most people view the subject. Few parents would disagree with his comments and the more the haters scream the more people will wonder exactly what sort of standards, if any, they apply at home with their own kids. UPDATE: LIBERAL frontbencher George Brandis has attacked Julia Gillard’s ability to understand the way parents think about virginity because she doesn’t have kids. She walked into that one.
Ms Gillard said: ”Australian women don’t want to be told what to do by Tony Abbott.
They weren’t- he was talking about what advice he would give his daughters. It’s weird. People are attacking him for things he didn’t say, allude to or hint at. What’s wrong with them? Mr Abbott has also hit back at Julia Gillard’s criticism of the remarks, noting the deputy prime minister was speaking as a politician, while he was speaking as a parent. Point, set, match!

Rudd like Obama says Ambassador

PRIME Minister Kevin Rudd and US President Barack Obama have a “tremendous affinity”, a senior US diplomat said. US Ambassador Jeffrey Bleich said the powerful pair had plenty in common. I couldn’t agree more! They both talk well and do little. After a year in office support for Mr Obama has fallen as the US grapples with the financial crisis, and some of the President’s reforms hit roadblocks. Another roadblock has just been put in place with Martha Coakley conceding defeat to Scott Brown in the Massachusetts Senate seat left vacant by Mary Jo Kopechne’s‘s killer, Ted Kennedy. Scott Brown is on record as saying he will not vote for the health bill in it’s current form.

Hurry up and take this thing!

labsnakeHE’S never had a nose for trouble before but black labrador Bronson sure knows how to turn heads with his retrieving tricks.
The champion obedience dog stunned his Victorian owners when he recently returned to them to proudly show off his latest find. Locked firmly in his jaws and coiled around his snout was a long, live snake, believed to be a deadly copperhead.
He was bitten but that didn’t override his training. He never dropped the snake until his master said “Give” A couple of days on a drip and he’s back home. You just gotta love those Labs

IPCC report based on speculation

First we had the emails detailing how contradictory evidence was suppressed from reports that were the basis of the IPCC report and now this;
THE peak UN body on climate change has been dealt another humiliating blow to its credibility after it was revealed a central claim of one of its benchmark reports – that most of the Himalayan glaciers would melt by 2035 because of global warming – was based on a “speculative” claim by an obscure Indian scientist.
Most of their predictions are speculative, based on computer projections that reflects the data entered by people who have the “faith” If the data is speculative then so is the IPCC report and yet the results are crammed down our throat every day by government and media who are of the same “faith”, as proven. Man is causing the change! Climate change is a given but man’s contribution isn’t and if we are to accept that then what of the billions of dollars being spent propping up careers in AGW.

Green “Wild Rivers” under attack

Queensland declared as wild rivers the Archer, Lockhart and Stewart systems on Cape York, banning most economic activity on them, allegedly after Premier Anna Bligh did a deal to clinch Green preferences for last year’s election. Aboriginal leaders Noel and Gerhardt Pearson have led the fight against the law. Attacking it for crippling economic opportunity for indigenous communities, Noel Pearson said the state government was “foreclosing on a future for our people”. Anna’s deal may be ‘alleged’ but it is totally believable as such deals constitute a tenet of the ALP’s tactics to stay in power. Promise the Greens anything; it doesn’t matter if it stuffs up the economy or further disadvantages disadvantage Australians. Tony Abbot is on the issue and attacking. Unlike most politicians Tony Abbott actually goes on the ground to see for himself what the problems are. Last August, he spent 10 days working as a school truancy officer in the peninsula-top township of Aurukun, and three weeks as a volunteer teacher’s aide in Coen in 2008. More from George Brandis Bloody Greens!

Eco-terrorist Paul Watson back at sea

paulwatsonTHE Australian Greens will introduce legislation that would stop Japanese whalers being allowed access to Australian services such as surveillance craft. In short, they want the Australian people to support an environmental terrorist. I’ve posted on the leader of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, Paul Watson before and from my reading can only class him as a dangerous enviro-whacker who should be behind bars. But that of course will never happen, particularly while we have people listening to the likes of Garret and Brown. Update: Well last night’s news went over a treat for the eco-terrorists. They managed to position their ‘Stealth Boat’ in such a manner as to make it impossible for the Jap trawler to miss it. The ensuing publicity will boost their coffers for another season particularly while the Government and the media are giving Watson uncritical TV exposure every chance they get. No one, and I mean no one in the government or media are questioning what the hell they are dong there risking life and limb and vessels at sea in what is basically a publicity stunt. Garret and Gillard are talking absolute rubbish. Gillard is even saying they, the Government, are going to seek legal advice on the hiring of planes to monitor the eco-terrorists. I’ll save the government money – it is completely legal for an entity to hire planes to monitor situations that, by experience, are dangerous to ships and crews going about a legal business. It’s not about whaling folks. It’s about publicity, fund raising and hatred of humans who eat sea or land creatures. The bastard should be in gaol, not on TV. Update II Ady Gil crewman tells of Japanese whaling vessel terror. Bloody Hippie freak. I hope you have nightmares and wet the bed well into your 60s from the terror caused by yourself and the crew.

Obama gets spies off-side

BARACK Obama angrily revealed today that US intelligence services had enough information to disrupt the Christmas Day airliner attack but had “failed to connect those dots And just in case some spies still had any morale left he adds;
Mr Obama was even more explicit during the meeting in the secure White House Situation Room, an official said, calling for immediate repairs to the flawed US homeland security system, and not typical Washington finger-pointing. “This was a screw-up that could have been disastrous,” the official, speaking on condition of anonymity, quoted Mr Obama as saying in the meeting.
You are most probably correct POTUS but ripping into staff is best done in private because about now, a heap of dedicated operators are thinking; Stuff him, we tried…got it wrong maybe but…… He’ll get some votes from those who hate the system and like to see the CIA and FBI ridiculed but he now has another profession that doesn’t like him – if they ever did.

Looking for Green votes again

ENVIRONMENTAL extremists would be the big winners from a proposal to make it easier for grassroots activists to tackle governments in the courts, a property development industry body has warned. The warnings, from Urban Taskforce Australia, come after one of the Rudd Government’s key advisers recommended law changes to reduce the financial threat faced by community environment groups entering the legal system.
Dr Allan Hawke has told Environment Minister Peter Garrett that ”public interest” litigation has been hampered by laws forcing groups to prove upfront they can cover the costs of legal teams and delays caused by injunctions to contentious environmental projects.
It’s one of the few ways we have of controlling the idiots. If this becomes law the entire development of the nation will be sitting in the court’s in-trays.


THE Rudd government has intervened on behalf of thousands of low-paid aged-care nurses in NSW and Queensland who faced significant wage cuts as a result of Labor’s revamp of the nation’s award system. Nah, couldn’t be. So the country tosses out a government because of Work Choices (see ACTU Propaganda campaign) that had most people better off for a government with a plan to make every one equal and in the first incidence the plan has to be changed because all people aren’t equal. I’m not surprised but then I’ve lived under previous ALP governments.
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