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Pirates or Terrorists?

The plot thickens with the ‘Piracy’ against the cruise ship Seabourn Spirit now being described as a possible ‘Terrorist” attack.
AN unexploded missile is embedded in an accommodation unit after a possible terrorist attack off the east African coast, Foreign Minister Alexander Downer has said today.
As well as missiles, the pirate/terrorists have RPGs and machineguns in their armoury.
The passengers on the US-owned Seabourn Spirit were woken by machinegun fire and a rocket-propelled grenade crashing into the vessel at dawn on Saturday about 160km off the coast of the lawless nation of Somalia.
My money’s on terrorists. A full armoury suggests an infrastructure that too date, hasn’t been a signature of pirates. UPDATE: Rueters report the missile is actually a rocket propelled grenade (RPG)
An unexploded rocket-propelled grenade remained on a U.S.-owned cruise ship after the vessel escaped an attack by pirates in the Indian Ocean over the weekend, Australia’s foreign minister said on Monday. “An unexploded rocket … is embedded in some of the passenger accommodation of the ship,” said Downer.
It’s actually a grenade but rocket or grenade…whatever, it’s still dangerous.

Al-Qaeda woos recruits with nuclear bomb website

From the London Times. The article doesn’t have a link to the website.
AN Al-Qaeda website containing detailed instructions in Arabic on how to make nuclear, “dirty� and biological bombs has attracted more than 57,000 hits and hundreds of readers’ inquiries. Terrorism experts are warning that the site could be boosting the organisation’s appeal to would-be assassins in Britain and abroad.
Doesn’t mean they can make them yet but it’s a worry.

Call it for what it is.

I note, neither The SMH or The Age can bring themselves to use the word ‘Muslim’ when talking about the riots in Paris. The Australian manages to touch on the subject though.
Crackdowns on Muslim associations in the suburbs, rising unemployment, inequality of access to the top French schools and universities, and the housing crisis that keeps many poor workers in high-rise council estates on the periphery of Paris were all blamed for the rioting.
Maybe lack of education is more to blame for inequality of access to French education and for rising unemployment but that’s not going to be acceptable to the local Clerics. Keep ’em ignorant. Force 12th century ethics, morals and knowledge down their throats. Maintain the rage and envy….hate us for our success based on superior education and separation of powers and the subsequent comforts all this brings. Maintain your disadvantaged status or join the 21st century.

Damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t!

Under the leader Guess who can’t keep a secret? PM in hot water SMH journo’s Marian Wilkinson and Tom Allard attack the PM based on anonymous statements.
The Prime Minister, John Howard, has been accused of jeopardising a year-long operation by state and federal police targeting terrorist suspects in Sydney and Melbourne.
Name them! Until you do the article has the same credibility as every other anonymous criticism. Nil. There exists a balance between keeping the people informed and denying terrorists intelligence but one thing is clear and that is, Howard must tell us if a new threat exists. If he doesn’t and someone dies the public will be rightly angry. If certain people are a threat and ASIO et al have been watching them then they only have to maintain vigilance or aprehend them. They can do that now. As I understand it the exercise in changing the act to to the more general an act allows federal agents to apprehend potential terrorists before they actually select the target. This is not a case of debating the new anti-terror laws, it is simply attacking Howard and it won’t wash with the public. Howard isn’t in hot water, The Fairfax stable is and I don’t wonder why. Sacking editorial staff to better reflect it’s ever decreasing circulation is only the start. They need to get some serious hacks that might better reflect the opinion and concerns of the reading public.

‘Experts’ claim US losing match at quarter time

Terrorism experts Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon have reached a stark conclusion about the war on terrorism: the United States is losing. Considering both of them were involved in the Clinton administration they would say that wouldn’t they? Terrorist experts from the Clinton Administration…yeah…right! As I recall all Clinton every did to counter the regular murder of US citizens and soldiers was to dispatch a cruise missile into an empty tent yet The Age happily accepts these guys as experts.
For Benjamin and Simon, the war on terrorism has cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars and failed to counter a deadly global movement responsible for attacks in London, Madrid, Bali, Indonesia, and Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.
Ah, the days of instant gratification. It simply isn’t going to happen that quickly. First establish a democracy in the Middle East then watch the citizens of surrounding Sheikdoms question then demand some of this democracy stuff, then encourage development including education that will one day slow down the supply of recruits to terrorism. It’s on for years guys. We are not fighting an Army all lined up ready to be defeated. They are everywhere and still able to fill the gaps in their ranks through the sheer ignorance of their recruiting base. Think beyond tomorrow and you might get the picture.

US disputes Italy role in Iraq claim

From The Age The White House has disputed accusations that Italian intelligence in a 2002 meeting passed off fake documents, showing Iraq was seeking uranium from Niger, that formed part of US President George W Bush’s case for war against Saddam Hussein.
US officials who attended a September 9, 2002, meeting with Italy’s spy chief do not recall the issue coming up, said a spokesman for the White House National Security Council. The meeting is central to the accusations. “No one who was present at the meeting remembers yellow cake (uranium) being discussed nor any documents being passed,” spokesman Frederick Jones said.
If ‘no one remembers’ what about referring to the minutes kept by the Secretary or don’t we do that anymore. Surely the US can declassify parts of the minutes just to stem the carping and even if they can’t do that, they could say “We have referred to the minutes and that didn’t happen so shut up!”

Royal Marine drug bust

I always said we weren’t serious about the war on drugs until we brought in the military….. you know…’napalm the poppy fields’ type of war. Well, here’s a start
BRITISH Royal Marine snipers firing from a helicopter blasted out a speedboat’s engines in the Caribbean and seized ÂŁ200 million ($474 million) worth of cocaine, a newspaper reported today. The armour-piercing shots crippled all four outboard motors and allowed a Navy team from the frigate, HMS Cumberland, to arrest a gang of drug traffickers as they raced across the ocean in a speedboat, The Sun reported.
With a bit of luck this could save some kids life.

Stanhope gagged

Channel Ten tried to get him to spill confidentiality again but he didn’t bite.
“I’d very much like to like to but … I can’t do that without risking some sort of legal response from the Commonwealth,” he told the Ten Network.

Now the Federal and State governments can get on with the job of getting these laws in place without Left wing antics confusing the issue. Meanwhile Beasley is attacked for trying to toughen the laws. Yep you guessed it, by the Left who want the laws to comply with some overseas human rights mob. Maybe they would have a case if they could guarantee that the overseas human rights body had the safety of Australian citizens as their first priority but I seriously doubt that is the case.

Labor’s left faction has accused Mr Beazley of being too soft and toeing the government line on terrorism measures while ignoring the party’s obligation to comply with a key international covenant on human rights. A senior Labor insider said it was time for Mr Beazley to “pull his finger out” as the faction passed a resolution reconfirming the ALP’s commitment to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).

Stuff the ICCPR. Australia’s elected representatives run this country, not them.

Another chance for the Left to get it wrong

BAGHDAD – Iraq’s major political parties finalised alliances on Saturday ahead of Dec. 15 polls that will select the first full four-year parliament since the 2003 ouster of Saddam Hussein. Should give the Left weeks of predicting doom, gloom and mahem followed by the normal silence; then rationalization of why so many voted. Of course the piece has to start and finish with US forces casualty lists. Can’t mention Iraq without trying just one more time to lessen the resolve of the US.
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