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Hicks running out of friends

As expected, the British Home Secretary Charles Clarke has launched an appeal against a High Court ruling that David Hicks, who has been in US captivity since late 2001 when he was captured fighting for the Taliban, was entitled to British citizenship and that it should be conferred without delay. The Brits show bipartisan displeasure at the High Court decision and call Hicks for what he is…deeply undesirable and an opportunist Pom.
Labour and the Tory opposition are united in opposing the citizenship move. Opposition homeland security spokesman Patrick Mercer labelled Hicks “deeply undesirable”. “He only starts showing an interest in being British when it is to his advantage,” Mr Mercer said.
Meanwhile, The Sun newspaper carried an editorial praising Mr Clarke for his decision to appeal the citizenship bid.
“British citizenship should be reserved for those who have a burning desire to serve this country – not take advantage of it,” the paper said.
Damn right and there could be a case to reserve Australian citizenship for those who have a burning desire to be Australian. Too many come here because we have the best Social Security and medical services in the region.

Nine killed in jail gun battle

All the media can come up to fill their daily ‘what is wrong in Iraq and here is proof that it is a civil war’ quota is a story about some prisoners having a stoush.
AT least nine prisoners and guards were killed in a gun battle at a Baghdad high-security jail overnight after detained guerrilla suspects, some of them foreign, grabbed weapons and tried to flee, officials said.
Big deal. Still on Iraq, Andrew Bolt has recently visited Iraq and reports Why might is right
It is this spreading of freedom that, for me, was the aim of it all — a spreading of democracy to Muslim lands that had festered with poverty and lethal hatred under hard scabs of tyranny. But that was the theory. Here are some of my snapshots of the up-close reality.

ID card next on the agenda

PHILIP Ruddock is treating the controversial national identity card as the “the next cab off the rank” for the Howard Government’s security agenda following the passage of its tough anti-terrorism laws. I know there is a lot of opposition to an identity card but for the life of me I cannot imagine why. Unless you are a criminal or in Australia illegally what on earth is there to be afraid of. For example, I think I should be called upon to identify myself when I vote and can only imagine if someone doesn’t want to be identified at the polling booth then they have something to hide. What’s the problem readers?

Tell someone who cares

MELBOURNE’S 10 terrorism suspects are spending Christmas in solitary confinement, dressed in “Guantanamo Bay orange” and banned from touching their loved ones. With about 23,000 prisoners in gaol over Christmas, some of whom are incarcerated for victimless crimes, I am less than sympathetic about a brace of potential mass murderers being deprived of liberty in a society where they were planning to deprive people of their lives. I just wonder why the Age feels a need to take on the roll as witness for the defence.

Merry Chrismas

I wish a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to my supporters, detractors and those I have yet to meet and call on all of you to remember that whereas we differ in opinions we still live in a great country. Adrian at A man of Lettuce has a nice human interest post with a military bent and I commend his post to all of you. 20 plus in-laws and outlaws will be here at my place tomorrow (my own family are in West Australia) and some old Army friends will drop in. The bar is rebuilt, the fridges and eskies loaded, the pool clean and inviting. I will buy a mob of ice tomorrow morning and throw in the pool to try and bring the water temperature down from today’s 34 degC. The weather forecast promises a typical Brisbane Christmas….39 deg C. Muslims, Christians, Agnostics, Athiests, Hedonists, Caucasions, a Jew, Aboriginies, Chinese/Malay, Poms, Kiwis and Paddies. Hate Howard, laugh at Kim, Left-wing, Right Wing, Don’t know and Don’t care will all gather at my home at Taigum – symbolic of what is good about Australia. My forward scout from Vietnam days, Rob Edgell, has been our house guest for a couple of days complete with wife and daughter so if you have noticed the lack of posts then that should explain it. We had to catch up with what the guys are doing and refight the battles again. We won them all this time (and the last time for that matter) Christmas Eve 1970 I lay in ambush with very few “peace to all mankind” feelings in my heart. I was lonely, missing my wife and very hopefull that no VC would venture out of the Long Hai enemy stronghold that night…..please Santa! If nothing else, that ambush patrol gave me a base to judge all subsequent Christmases and surprisingly they have all been better ones. So tomorrow, spare a thought for all those men and woman overseas away from their love ones. Whatever you think, they know they are defending your freedoms and that is all that matters. Enjoy your day.

A View from the Eye of the Storm

I have included a link in the left hand column that is the script of a speach given by Haim Harari, an Arab with perhaps more credibility than most of the armchair warriors of the Left who espouse the theory that it’s all the US’s fault. It’s a short pdf file (10 pages) and well worth the read for those seekers of knowlege and opinions of those who have been there and have no bias. Read it before Christmas and celebrate tomorrow knowing the world is heading for a better future even though it will be a rocky road for some time yet. Via reader Bob Buick.

Nearly dingo bait

FORGET about maneating dingoes, poisonous death adders and sharks that can swallow people whole – British backpacker Scott Osborne reckons the most deadly things on Fraser Island are four-wheel-drives. The 25-year-old camper woke up in sand dunes on Monday morning to find a Toyota Land Cruiser on top of him. Except he wasn’t on the sand dunes he was asleep on a track.
“There was about 10 of us and we decided to have a couple of drinks in the sand dunes looking at the stars and then a couple of us decided to stay on and try and stay awake to watch the sunrise,” Mr Osborne recalled. Soon after watching the sunrise, Mr Osborne fell asleep beside a female friend from Germany. She escaped unscathed. He said they thought they were lying on a footpath, not a 4WD track.
I have sympathy for the man but getting drunk and falling asleep on a track or anything that looks remotely like a track in a strange invironment is not smart.

Left’s silence a vote for Iraq

The best indicator yet of imminent success in Iraq is the fact that the left have gone totally quite about the war. It’s like the Left collectively said…Uh uh… Iraq is looking more and more like a winner…we’ll have to find something else to make Bush and the US look evil before people start to doubt our superior wisdom I know! Lets recycle the “US is spying on their own citizens” line. Of course we couldn’t mention it when Clinton was doing it but now there is a Republican in the White House…well let’s attack. The good news is that Iraq will keep on progressing towards a democratic society and by Australia Day in January people will have realized the ‘spying’ red herring is just that and will have moved on. 2006 could be a better year than ’05 and that was pretty good for us conservatives.
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