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Defence in shambles says head shambler

Beasley claims the ADF is a shambles but ignores the origins. Maybe there still is a bit of truth in the statement but the Howard government have been working on fixing the shambles left them by Beasley and co and overall the ADF has recovered a lot of lost ground from the years of the ALP mantra of ‘Continental Defence’.

NSW police finally start policing

THE new commander of the police taskforce investigating the Cronulla riots has warned that there will be more arrests on both sides of the ethnic divide over the beachside violence and subsequent revenge attacks.
“As a result of the investigation by Strike Force Enoggera, further evidence implicating the persons was uncovered resulting in the arrests,” he said.
It’s just a pity the police couldn’t have conducted the raids when events were fresh in peoples minds and with such timing as to suggest it was a police initiative rather than as a result of public and political demands.
Former police officer turned academic Michael Kennedy said the tape should never have been broadcast. Dr Kennedy said it should have been kept under wraps to preserve any evidence for future court hearings.
Had the tape been kept under wraps the police would still be ignoring the revenge raid perps and there would be no need to preserve any evidence for unlikely future court hearings. We may be seeing justice applied without favour now but the whole affair leaves a bad taste in ones mouth.

Aborigines betrayed: Yunupingu

THE Northern Territory’s most influential Aboriginal leader has broken his silence to rally indigenous Australians against what he calls the betrayal of the reconciliation agenda, calling, as a protest, for the return of a symbolically important painting now hanging in Federal Parliament’s Great Hall.

Galarrwuy Yunupingu said yesterday that the Barunga Statement, a painting he presented to the prime minister Bob Hawke in 1988, should be returned to the red soil of Barunga, a settlement in the territory, to protest at the failure of successive governments to tackle Aboriginal disadvantage.

Before Galarrwuy starts digging the hole to bury the statement he might give pause to answer some questions himself.

For example;

Why does he drive around in Range Rovers and 100 series Toyotas while his people drive clapped-out old falcons or toyotas?

Why does he have total access to a Jetranger chopper while his people walk?

Why is his son at a prestigious boarding school while his people in outstations near Nullunbuy are iliterate?

Why does he have several ‘palaces’ (local Police Sgt’s definition) while his people live in run down houses?

Galarrwuy, if I was under investigation for missues of Northern Land Council funds I’d adopt a lower profile before people start asking “who’s betraying whom?

Who’s the prostitute?

Opposition foreign affairs spokesman Kevin Rudd said the Australian diplomatic service would be “prostituted” if Senator Hill was posted to the UN when he left John Howard’s ministry. Yeah….right. So the ALP never appointed any of their own people to ambassadorial or consulate positions when they were in power? What about the following;
28.6.75 Barnard LH (ALP) Resigned. Appointed Ambassador to Norway, Finland and Sweden 18.2.84 Johnson LR (ALP) Resigned. Appointed High Commissioner to NZ. 8.2.86 Jenkins HA (ALP) Resigned. Appointed Ambassador to Spain. 6.2.88 Hurford CJ (ALP) Resigned. Appointed Consul-General in New York. 9.3.94 Blewett N (ALP) Resigned. Appointed High Commissioner to the UK .
The problem is most people won’t bother to look these facts up and will just accept at face value what Rudd says. I can here the true believers, never ones to check their own history, waffling on now. It’s true. Oh, my God. The Libs are prostituting government! Both parties use this system of political appoinments from time to time so I can’t see what Rudd’s point is, other than trying to score a cheap point. Rudd trying to score a cheap point….never!
Opposition foreign affairs spokesman Kevin Rudd said the Australian diplomatic service would be “prostituted” if Senator Hill was posted to the UN when he left John Howard’s ministry. Right. Then I presume that whenever the ALP has been in power they never posted their own people to ambassadorial and consulate duties. Yeah….right Somehow managing to keep a straight face, Mr Rudd said such a move would undermine Australia’s diplomatic service.
“If the Howard Government proceeds to appoint Robert Hill to the position of Australia’s permanent representative in New York, this would represent the comprehensive prostitution of Australia’s diplomatic service,” he said. “John Howard needs to learn that the Australian diplomatic (service) is not a Liberal Party employment agency. It is supposed to be a professional operation. And if this action is taken to appoint Robert Hill to New York, it will make a laughing stock of the way in which diplomatic appointments have been made.”
Here’s a couple of ALP politicians appointed as ambassadors by the ALP starting with Whitlam as Ambassador to Unesco in Paris; June 75 Barnard LH (ALP) as Ambassador to Norway, Finland and Sweden after losing at Bass Feb 84 Johnson LR (ALP) resigned and was appointed High Commissioner to NZ. Feb 86 Jenkins HA (ALP) resigned and was appointed Ambassador to Spain. Feb 88 Hurford CJ (ALP) resigned and was appointed Consul-General in New York. Mar 94 Blewett N (ALP) Resigned and was appointed High Commissioner to the UK

Globe win for suicide bomber film

Palestinian film-maker Hany Abu-Assad was perhaps the most surprised man at the Golden Globes on Monday as his drama of suicide bombers crossing into Israel, “Paradise Now,” was named the year’s best foreign language film. Not surprisingly, no one expects any bookings for the film in Israel I googled for reviews and considering I am not heavy into alternative movies the first one I looked at will suffice. IMDb provide a generally positive review on the film but I think the reviewers rose coloured spectacles has some sympathy for the Palestinian cause. I guess if you review films for a living or hobby and seldom touch the real world, like actors, you will have some bias. On the face of it, one might have some sympathy for the Palestinians. I don’t.
The general subject is one which has become a focus of world attention in the last few years, particularly since 9/11: young Muslims suicide bombers who destroy themselves and others around them based on their warped interpretation of passages in the Koran which guarantee entry to paradise for martyrs who die in the defense of Islam. While many viewers may wonder whether a religion that involves terror, murder, misogyny and repression deserves to be defended, for Palestians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip the issues have a more secular basis. They see Isreal as the occupier of their land and an oppressor which treats them unjustly. Reasons for the sense of injustice are both given in the dialogue as well as shown: third world conditions in the Palestian area where even water needs filtering contrasts with the glitzy tall buildings in Tel Aviv where beautiful girls in bikinis walk along the beachfront promenade. However, the viewer isn’t preached to, the issues get presented and contemplated thoroughly. The two recruits in the film are equipped with plastic explosives around their waists under suits and get to cross the Isreali border but things don’t go as planned. They both grapple with the ethical, moral and religious implications of what they are doing and change their minds more than once. Finally one of the two seems to have decided that even if, as his female friend tells him, there is no paradise, he is dead anyway and may as well extract revenge on the Isrealis. There is plenty of tension from the start to the finish and the script, directing, acting and cinematography are all superb. I rarely give scores of 10/10 but there is nothing I can fault about this.
One attempt at rationalization of their suicide;
….third world conditions in the Palestian area where even water needs filtering contrasts with the glitzy tall buildings in Tel Aviv where beautiful girls in bikinis walk along the beachfront promenade.
And for that we blow ourselves up. Could I suggest a better path to paradise; ignore the local Hamas and Mulah advocates, seek some education, get rid of your victim mentality and do something with your life. Maybe, after you became acceptable to civilized society, you might be able to go over and chat up the Israeli bikini clad girls. I note they see Israel as the occupier of their land and an oppressor that treats them unjustly. Given that if the Palestinians, Syrians, Iranians and a few other were disarmed the Middle East would be a little more peaceful. Unfortunately it is also a given that if Israel alone was disarmed she would cease to exist. One says oppressed, the other; defending my right to exist. I wonder if this viewpoint was presented in the film. If you listen to the Arabs; from Palestine east to Iran, it’s all about Israel and/or the US support of Israel. In VIEW OF THE ARAB WORLD BY AN ARAB by Haim Harari, he says;
Yes, there is a 100 year-old Israeli-Arab conflict, but it is not where the main show is.■ The millions who died in the Iran-Iraq war had nothing to do with Israel. ■ The mass murder happening right now in Sudan, where the Arab Moslem regime is massacring its black Christian citizens, has nothing to do with Israel. ■ The frequent reports from Algeria about the murders of hundreds of civilian in one village or another by other Algerians have nothing to do with Israel. ■ Saddam Hussein did not invade Kuwait, endangered Saudi Arabia and butchered his own people because of Israel. ■ Egypt did not use poison gas against Yemen in the 60’s because of Israel. ■ Assad the Father did not kill tens of thousands of his own citizens in one week in El Hamma in Syria because of Israel. ■ The Taliban control of Afghanistan and the civil war there had nothing to do with Israel. ■ The Libyan blowing up of the Pan-Am flight had nothing to do with Israel, and I could go on and on and on. The root of the trouble is that this entire Moslem region is totally dysfunctional, by any standard of the word, and would have been so even if Israel had joined the Arab league and an independent Palestine had existed for 100 years. The 22 member countries of the Arab league, from Mauritania to the Gulf States, have a total population of 300 millions, larger than the US and almost as large as the EU before its expansion. They have a land area larger than either the US or all of Europe. These 22 countries, with all their oil and natural resources, have a combined GDP smaller than that of Netherlands plus Belgium and equal to half of the GDP of California alone. Within this meager GDP, the gaps between rich and poor are beyond belief and too many of the rich made their money not by succeeding in business, but by being corrupt rulers.
We don’t need to ‘understand’ the suicide bomber anymore than we need to understand any other weapon of war. We need to understand the societies that produces them…and we do. They are, simply put, disfunctional and Israel is only a part of their problem. I wont go and see the movie should it be released in Australia. It will not teach me anything I don’t know already and, I suspect, will only reinforce my opinion that Hollywood has lost some balance.

Buy Real Estate in the Arctic now

THE world has already passed the point of no return on global warming, and efforts to slow it may already be doomed, one of Britain’s best-known environmentalists says. Professor James Lovelock said billions would die by the end of the century, and civilisation as it is known would be unlikely to survive. Billions will be born and billions will die. That’s the cycle of life. Whether they die early because of global warming is another issue.
“The few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in the Arctic, where the climate remains tolerable,” Professor Lovelock wrote in the newspaper.
Must be depressing living with him.

Howard rebounds from IR

The only people who would be surprised by these polls are those who live in hope of Howard’s demise. The rest of the country could clearly see that the ALP/ACTU emotive and misleeding commercials on TV last year would have only a temporary effect on Howard’s popularity.
THE battering the Federal Government received as it pushed through industrial relations changes last year has dissipated, with John Howard experiencing a resurgence in popularity. Labor has lost the gains it made, although Kim Beazley has retained some of the public confidence in his leadership and starts the year in a personally stronger position.
I hope the TV adds cost them buckets
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