Author: Kev
Reports from the Cronulla frontline
“There’s nothing unique about the insecurities of Anglo-Saxon people, particularly in insular cities that have been targeted by the politics of Hansonism,”Academics, don’t you just love them. The police are keeping their distance.
Carload after carload of young men raced from Lakemba in Sydney’s southwest, ignoring speed limits and bent on revenge. They were followed by at least 12 police cars travelling at speed, lights blazing and sirens wailing.Now let me see, would these be police cars with radios that are often used to set up road blocks ahead of trouble? Nothing’s new.
VIOLENCE between surfers and gangs of young men from Sydney’s sprawling western suburbs is not new – it started in the late 1950s and emerged again in the 60s, 70s and 80s. Only the names are different.The Far-Right were there but on the face of it didn’t seem to have enough numbers to impact significantly on the already dangerous situation. I watched Issa last night on TV. He came across as a reasonable sort of chap caught out in circumstances beyond his control and not of his making. But the thought crossed my mind that so far in the media we have seen a mob of rampaging hooligans on one side and a reasonable chap like Issa to represent the other side of the foray. Don’t cameras work when filming the Lebanese? As Vinny comments at Tim Blair’s blog;
how come the cops are never in the vicinity of a mob of rampaging lebos?? it’s incredible, 500 lebos smashing up cars in cronulla and not a copper in sight, but if white anglo aussies start any trouble there will be truck loads of those police quick smart.Tim Priest, an ex NSW copper has his say and isn’t kind to the the NSW leaders.
Of course, the usual claque of agenda-driven ethnic community leaders were quick to condemn the Cronulla incidents as un-Australian and racist. Never mind the multitude of racist attacks on young Australian men and women during the past decade, which have now manifested into full-blown racial retaliation.As I said yesterday, I wasn’t impressed with the rioters at Cronulla but the problem is clearly deeper that the media would have us believe. We’ve seen the effect, can we now concentrate on the cause. The Age reports peace talks have already commenced between the Lebanese and the Bra Boys.
Lebanese Muslim leader Keysar Trad and Maroubra’s surfer gang, the Bra Boys, are attempting to broker a peace deal between rival groups following race riots in Sydney. Mr Trad, president of the Islamic Friendship Association, and two Bra Boys leaders, Koby and Sonny Abberton, have held talks about ways to encourage people to stop the violence.I note there is no mention of Cronulla. Maybe a Sydney reader could explain. Do the Bra Boys represent Cronulla? Sounds like two separate suburbs to me. UPDATE: Where were the police? TERRIFIED residents told yesterday how they were bashed, threatened with firearms and forced to cower inside their homes after up to 100 youths of Middle Eastern descent rampaged through Maroubra in apparent retaliation for the Cronulla race riots.
Lyne Sickle, whose Ford Festiva was vandalised, said she watched a police car enter the street and then turn away as a large mob of hooligans congregated. “I don’t know why they (police) didn’t do anything,” she saidOne man, Steve, said he was threatened with a handgun and chased inside his home when he went to investigate the commotion.
“I was at the gate and this big guy came rushing towards me,” he said. “I slammed the gate and … another guy at the car pointed a gun at me and said, ‘get back inside’. I ran inside and they chased us up the steps. It was terrifying.”
Cronulla Flashpoint
Keysar Trad, the president of the Islamic Friendship Association of Australia, called on the police to “use the full extent of the law on these criminal thugs who behaved in the way that they did”.Damn right the police should use the full extent of the law which by extension means tracking down the Lebanese thugs who initiated the troubles as well as the Aussies who retaliated. Kuranda Sevit, the director of the Forum on Australia’s Islamic Relations, said in a statement:
“We have over 3000km of beaches on the east coast, there’s plenty of sand and ocean there for everyone. “What happened to the Australian idea of a fair go and tolerance?”That’s true but if you are going to break into someones elses turf and treat their woman as the Lebanese have done then you must expect some flack. The Australian idea of a fair go and tolerance has been pushed to the limits and people are getting sick and tired of newcomers spitting in our face. Couple that thought with the obvious Aussie hooligan element at Cronulla and trouble is guaraneed. I leave the last comment to Di who commented at
I work at Cronulla and everyday gangs come off the train and head towards the beach insulting anyone in sight along the way. Whilst I don’t support the action that happened yesterday, I understand the frustration of people in the Shire having to put up with this disgusting behaviour on a daily basis. The politicians need to address this situation now before we have more scenes like yesterday. This has been building for many years and last week’s attack on the lifesavers was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Our children have been targeted by these gangs whilst they are doing nippers and subjected to language that is very unacceptable in any part of the world. Stand up Mr Iemma and take charge!!!
Good news week
Former ‘human shield’ Donna Mulhearn, who was abducted and briefly held by militants in the Iraqi flashpoint city of Fallujah in April last year, was among those charged with commonwealth offences.It just gets better and better, Bryan Law, the anti-ADF wanker from Cairns has been caught in the bag as well.
Those charged include Mulhearn, 37, of Sydney, Jim Dowling, 50, of Dayboro near Brisbane, Brian Law, 51, of Cairns, Adele Goldie, 29, of Brisbane, and Sean O’Reilly, 47, of Brisbane.
Barnaby trumped
Fun days
Fairfax still in trouble
In the Herald’s Canberra bureau, senior political correspondent Mike Seccombe and arts writer Lauren Martin had their redundancy confirmed, but it was unclear whether columnist Alan Ramsey was leaving.We can always live in hope that clarity prevails and Alan Ramsey is given his marching orders. Maybe the newspaper in some hippy colony like Nimbin could take him on and thus restrict his confused utterings to those who might agree. The rest of us need a break.
It’s official: too much sex saps male brains
For what it’s worth.
MALE animals can produce a lot of sperm or grow big brains but cannot do both, according to a study that may confirm the suspicions of many women.
Dr Pitnick said: “The road to sexual success can lie in being clever, in being a dull yet well-armed brute that can fight for paternity, in being spectacularly ornamented, or in providing a rich cocktail of seminal fluids and costly sperm.”
Pretty well covers most of the male clientele cruising the night club scene on Friday nights.
Poor, poor Saddam
WAVING a finger and pounding his desk, Saddam Hussein has told the judges in his trial to “go to hell” and vowed not to return to court.
I noted on TV last night that the judge said the trial would go on without Saddam if necessary. Some legal reader may enlighten me here…how on earth does Saddam have a choice as to whether he attends or not.
I would’ve thought he would be dragged off to court every day it sat.
I also note Saddam has redefined terrorism. Not for him the old definitions of terrorism that included beheading of innocents, blowing up woman and children and police on duty.
Oh no, Saddam now complains that;
… he and the seven other defendants were tired and had been deprived of opportunities to shower, have a change of clothes, exercise or go for a smoke.
“This is terrorism,” he declared.
It would appear he has caught the bug that affects his supporters in the Left. Anything can be defined as terrorism, just like torture.
Change the rules to suit the arguement.
Parliament passes terror laws
The Australian Greens, the Democrats and the Law Council today accused Labor of selling out civil rights by supporting the Bill, which will give unprecedented powers to police and spy agencies.The main points in the anti-terror laws: * CONTROL orders to monitor terrorism suspects; * PREVENTATIVE detention of suspects without charge for up to 14 days; * 16 to 18-YEAR-OLDS suspected of terrorism can be subject to control and detention orders; * SEVEN-YEAR jail terms for urging violence against the government or sections of the community; * TOUGHER police stop, search and seizure powers; * POLICE and ASIO powers to examine passenger and business information; * BROADER use of surveillance cameras at transport hubs; * OMBUDSMAN to oversee police use of new powers; * PARLIAMENT to receive reports on police powers; * TEN-YEAR expiry date and five-year review of laws; * LAW Reform Commission to review sedition laws in 2006. The Greens can worry about selling out civil rights, I’m just pleased that we are taking the terrorist matter seriously. The only people who have anything to worry about are those who would seek to harm our citizens and put simply, I don’t care about the rights of any such murdering thugs.