ACTU and Greenpeace confirm budget good for country

The ACTU President, Sharan Burrow has slammed tonights budget thus confirming, in my mind at least, that it’s good for the country.

On cue GREENPEACE also slammed (there sure is a lot of slamming going on) the Budget as failing once again to make any mention of climate change.

Greenpeace Australia campaigns manager Danny Kennedy said climate change was the most important environmental issue of our times.
Climate change is obviously the most important environmental issue in Danny’s times but thankfully the government is sticking to the old rule of not pandering to every whacko group in the country. THE Australian Industry Group says this year’s budget is good for business. Group chief executive Heather Ridout welcomed changes to superannuation which aim to encourage people to stay longer in the workforce but thinks the government should have spent more on infrastructure. I agree with her; even though the government has allocated 2.3 billion for infrastructure it is never enough.

Australian Democrats leader Lyn Allison says that by handing out tax cuts to all, the Government is simply trying to win votes in the lead-up to the next election.

“There’s not much here that’s about nation-building or for future generations,” she said.

I’m not an economist but putting $18 billion into the Future fund – which has been set up to cover unfunded public servants’ superannuation – as an initial payment and planning for about 140 billion by 2020 looks a bit like building for future generations to me.

And don’t forget the old “It’s not very equitable, we’re seeing the biggest tax cuts for the highest income earners” line. I’m not a mathmetician either but somewhere in my dim dark schooldays where I learnt maths on a slate I seem to recall that percentage cuts are firstly, the smartest way to deliver some taxes back to the people and secondly, will always be bigger for the bigger income earners. It’s about maths.

Lyn goes on throwing mud;

“We’re seeing the budget for defence and security outstripping education by $2 billion and that does say it all in terms of what the Government’s priorities are,” she said.

This despite an overall funding boost of $21.7 billion for the education, science and training sector.

The Federal Opposition is supporting the federal Budget’s tax cuts, saying the changes mirror those proposed by the Opposition. Or, we thought of it first and would’ve implimented the same cuts if……..

The ABC says “We think it’s fairly describable as our best Budget outcome in over 20 years.” Well thats what the chairman of the ABC, Donald McDonald says but Kerry and Tony will be hammering slamming it tomorrow night.

With my background I welcome any additional funding for national security as much as the Greens, the Democrats and other assorted whackos hate it. C-17 Aircraft (to carry the new tanks and much, much more) more money for more troops and more money for the troops with pay rises. More ASIO operators ($800 million) and about $500 million extra for border security. That should wind up the refugee activists.

The “My particular hobby horse/religion/group/activist mob/doomsayers/ didn’t get enough” mob will be out in force tomorrow and all lined up at the ABS and SBS but otherwise I think it’s a reasonable 11th budget for Costello.

One comment

  • You know; one has to wonder at the extent of brain activity in any person who finds negativity in everything. Especially when they will either never be in a position to govern the country, or make decisions that affect peoples lives and livelihood.

    I would like to someone to tell me just what it the greens and democrats represent – that is – except a very small percentage of the population who are (in my opinion) terminally stupid.

    Shit, even the Labor party is stumped here. I watched Wayne Swan late on the ABC on Tuesday night – he didn’t appear to have much to say at all – except of course that they were their ideas.
