Beaconsfield Miners

According to the media the rescue of the two miners seems to be more about Shorten and his push for a seat and Eddie McGuire and Channel Nine’s ratings than an actual rescue. Channel Seven are in there fighting and six figure sums are being pencilled in media checque book stubs while Peter Meaking adopts the seldom held moral position (by the media at least) and suggests;
it was “tacky in the extreme” for The Age to try to measure one interview against another, he said. “To put a price on their salvation I reckon is pretty tacky.”
when The Age mentions how much Wood was paid for interviews after being released from captivity in Iraq. Woods got $400k and I can see how Meaking and McGuire would rather start the bidding at $250k. Yep, you’re right, I don’t like chequebook journalism. Me, I think it’s all about two guys who have gone through hell with a view of heaven through a small apperture. My thoughts go out to the family of the third miner, Larry Knight, who is hardly mentioned by the talking heads of commercial TV, and who only got to see as far as hell. Hang in there guys and enjoy your rebirth when your mates finally drill through.