Citizen Tests

A PLAN to check English fluency and Australian values as part of a citizenship test for prospective immigrants has been blasted by politicians and ethnic groups. Sounds good to me. I have no problems with the premise that aspiring immigrants should be able to communicate with us and understand a little of what we are about. It makes their transition to our culture so much easier. Senator Nettle, espousing the standards of some obscure ideology or country other than Australia doesn’t agree;
She says: “A fluent grasp of English is not a prerequisite of being Australian.
Maybe not but I can see things being a whole lot easier for immigrants if it was; and
“Has Mr Robb forgotten that many Indigenous Australians do not speak fluent English? Is he suggesting that they are less Australian?
He isn’t suggesting any such thing you silly woman but I suggest not having english is a part of the problem of the many indigenous Australians you refer to and besides,the fact that someone in Australia isn’t fluent in english is not an arguement to not try and get everyone up to standard.