Leunig gets payback

Leunig’s childhood “Linus” blanket, the duck, gets top billing at the opening of the Commonwealth Games.  To pay back the nations conservatives and Jews for rediculing Michael and his anti-Jewish/Bush/Howard cartoons Brack has awarded him an audience of three billion or so people. I witnessed the duck and paused to see what they were on about.  When I realized who they were canonizing I went back to the study to catch up on Legacy work for the imminent auction.  I went past the TV later on the way for more caffiene and they’re still rattling on about the duck. Serves us right.


  • I understand it was him narrating at the beginning as well. Appalling.

  • In what way do you consider the Leunig cartoon anti-semitic? I am interested as a large group of ppl have debated this and the concensus seems to be that the cartoon is a social commentary, indeed, but far from anti-semitic.

  • `Social commentary’, another obnoxious oxymoron as, for example, `social justice’ – justice by denfinition is social but the `social justice’ brigade don’t mean justice at all.

    Thus, commentary given or readers, as opposed to just one’s own private musings, must, by definition, be social. Why else do so many write commentaries on books and newspapers pay commentators, for some private, not to be purchased by the public, titillation?

    Leunig as commentator, now crack another joke Says, the man is an ignoramus, his `cartoons’ are, to be blunt infantile. I could never fathom since the day I moved to Melbourne and saw his rubbish in the Age, that was when, of course, one appreciated The Age is just Mao’s little red book of bum wipes, when thing stood out, they were not acute, not witty, just infantile. Then, add his infantile cartoons to his mendacious cartoons likening the Israelis to the Nazi regime and the `guards’ of Auschwitz, and tkae those tow things with his reaction to the put down of that rotten garbage : “I was wounded but, God walked in the garden with me, touched my shoulder and consoled me saying, ‘It will be alright’.” and what does that add up to?

    `What does that add up to?’, is a rhetorical question only Says but if you can’t figure out why it is only the figure rhetorical, then you have a problem, your schooling has been defective on some serious counts.

    Leunig: a dropkick who pisses in the wind, admired only by dribbling inner city tree hugging socialisto dropkicks.

  • ♥.
    He drew a graphic analogy between the WW2 Concentrate Camp Austwich and current Israeli soldiers in their dealings with the Palestinians. Just in case you are not aware of the history; the German Concentrate camp establishment mudered millions of Jews in the 1940s and the current Israelis target Palestinians terrorists trying to murder Israelis.

    There is a slight difference.

    The Jews think it’s antsemitic

    Leunig also produced an antiSemitic cartoon in which he depicted a comatose Ariel Sharon ordering a strike on Sheik Yassin as “an old Palestinian man in a wheelchair” thereby conveniently airbrushing out of existence Yassin’s role as a mass murderer and of his role in producing the racist Hamas Covenant which calls on Muslims to kill Jews everywhere.
    Here for that cartoon.

    The large group of people you quote who think Leunig’s work is social commentary and not antisemitic are obviously from your circle of friends and/or your choice of reading matter. The country generally thinks otherwise.

    For my money, he is antisemitic.