Sizzler ignores poison

Police have arrested a woman over the food poisoning scare at two Sizzler restaurants in Brisbane.

The Sizzler chain has closed all of its self-serve salad bars in Australia after rat poison was found in food at two Brisbane restaurants.

That last sentence should read;

The Sizzler chain has closed all of its self-serve salad bars in Australia 37 days after after rat poison was first found in food at two Brisbane restaurants.

The Queensland Health Minister is not happy and I would imagine the thousands of Sizzler customers who visited over the last five weeks would be a little miffed as well.

Apparently Australian labs can’t identify rat poison as Sizzlers sent the sample overseas for testing.

One comment

  • youcancallmemeyer

    I think the rat poison should have gone on the steak. Had a steak their once and it had NO flavour at all. None. Tasteless.

    Notice the only people who eat at Sizzlers are children (and their unfortunate parents) and geriatrics. Children and geriatrics have no taste buds to speak of which explains a lot.

    Didn’t this same company get mauled a few years ago because it was going to buy its beef offshore?