The bitch is in Australia

Jane Fonda is in town. Readers may wonder why a man who is normally reserved would resort to such profanity but I have along memory, and the years to develop it, and remember Jane Fonda more as an agent for the Vietnamese communists during the Vietnam War than an actress. In 1968 Jane starred in the sci-fi movie Barbarella where she drove every young male into fantasy overload with her looks, figure and costumes. I too was taken in untill four years later we all saw beyond her looks, figure and costumes and discovered her intelectuall appreciation of all things communist. Dropped her like a red hot coal, I did. No more could she have her way with me as even then I appreciated there was more to woman than looks. Here’s my favourite pin-up picture of Jane. It shows her manning a Communist Anti Aircraft gun during a trip she made to North Vietnam in 1972. She had accepted their offer to star in communist propaganda movies and radio interviews to the detriment of her fellow Americans. As one disgruntled marine pilot said. It’s one thing to protest about the war and the government’s involvement but that gun wasn’t aimed at the government; it was aimed at US pilots. To put her treason in perspective one would have to imagine an Australian actress posing on a Japanese gun emplacement when the Japs were busy shooting down Australian and US pilots during World War 2. Treason, plain and simple, writ huge. Here for more details of her treason. Over at Tim Blairs people are discussing the roll of actors and entertainers in society and the thread settles on the fact that good or bad, actors are just entertainers. A lot of people get confused with a pretty or handsome face and the parts actors play. I swear there are film buffs out in the world who confuse the lines actors ‘read’ with reality and end up thinking an actor is smart when the only smarts are from the script writer. George Clooney is a case in point. In this article in the Age he says;
….he is proud to be denounced as unpatriotic for questioning US policy because he wanted to be on “the right side of history”.
I have enjoyed his acting over the years but I know it’s acting and that the parts he plays are just that, parts in a movie. George, and not a few of his peers in Hollywood, seem to think that being popular translates as being intelligent and that people will vote out a Political party because he doesn’t like them and, don’t you know, he is smarter that us…he is, after all, a popular actor. Whether or not he is on “the right side of history” remains to be seen. Jane Fonda’s communism has been defeated and only remains in a few countries that no-one cares about and I believe George Clooney’s terrorists will eventually go the same way. Life is too short (at least in my time of life it is) to spend valuable time watching movies and supporting actors who think they are always on the right side of history based on their Tinsel Town life experiences. I mean, just how much history has George read?


  • youcancallmemeyer

    I used to think that startled deer look, which Fonda effected, was pretty sexy. It’s funny how you can move from attraction to disgust so quickly. Like you, I changed the way I saw her from the moment she became a traitor. They hung Lord Haw-Haw (William Joyce) in January 1946 because he broadcast a radio show (Germany Calling) to the British during WWII.

    Fonda directly aided and supported her country’s enemies yet she has thrived ever since. Maybe she has nightmares – I hope so.

  • Sign of the times. From Lord Haw-Haw to Fonda to Jim Cairns. All traitors but if your actions aided and abetted communists that was OK.

    Not Ok with me…not never

  • youcancallmemeyer


  • Interesting that Fonda cancelled her last trip to Oz, she was scheduled to host a literary luncheon on November 11 last in Brisbane, sparking outrage from ex service people all over Australia that this traitor should even be in Australia, much less spruiking her drivel on Remembrance Day.

    Silently disappeared, luncheon cancelled.

    I sincerely hope that she got the message about how much she is despised by veterans in this country.

  • Viet Nam was a mistake like today Iraq war Jane was right, The United States lost the war do you need more reasons?

  • Jane was right!mmm. If you think that then you also think that Castro was right (and still is). Your IP suggests Latin America so Castro is a guess that is maybe closer to home.

    Treason is never right; the media lost the war in Vietnam and are doing their best to misinform you, the casual observer, of the events shaping the world today.

    Read more and learn.