Redfern still a problem

POLICE in NSW’s top robbery hotspot, Redfern, have demanded 20 more frontline officers be posted to the area or they will consider industrial action.
Robbery rates in Redfern are spiralling, a Police Association branch meeting was told yesterday. Redfern local area command last year experienced a massive 7.4 per cent of all robberies across the state. 
The meeting voted to give NSW Police 30 days to meet the demand or face industrial action. Association president Bob Pritchard said the extra numbers were essential to ensure the community got the service it needed. Maybe we should level the place, turn it into a giant CBD carpark and call it Whitlams Folly but then we would have to number it to account for all of his folleys…maybe “Whitlam’s Folly 3615” or similar.


  • youcancallmemeyer

    Three cars is not the answer.

    A specialist “flying squad” targeting the known offenders would be more effective. If the police don’t have intelligence on known offenders than they haven’t been doing their job for years.

    Anyone who uses Redfern Station knows this problem has been going on and on and on.

    Unfortunately for the general public, politicians see this as a social problem and are terrified by the left wing press. They live in fear that they will be accused of racism if they have the police vigorously enforce the law.

  • John from Newcastle

    At the moment we have all the dysfunctionals herded together into Redfern and we all know not to go there, but if they bulldoze the block and all the other ratholes, then the criminal element will be dispersed around NSW in Department of Housing areas of the country towns and the crime rates will go into orbit.
    This is what happened before the Olympics as they tried to clean up Sydney. e.g. Dubbo.