Guantonamo good news

The US continue to interrogate inmates in their fight against terrorism and discover a link to the London bombings. While human rights lawyers and activists argue for their release the US gains good intelligence that helps prevent repeats of WTC, London and Bali.
“We have passed the information they have provided about the London bombings to the British authorities. I believe this information has helped to prevent further attacks in the UK.” US officials said the ongoing interrogation of the detainees continued to provide valuable information about al-Qa’ida’s international network. Apart from preventing attacks in London, recent intelligence has led to active al-Qa’ida cells being broken up in Italy and Germany in the past year. In recent weeks, some of the captured al-Qa’ida fighters, who were in charge of Osama bin Laden’s training camps in Afghanistan, have begun co-operating with US officials and revealing details of the terrorist network they helped set up before the war in Afghanistan in 2001.
Which is one of the reasons why, in a war, enemy PWs are held until ceasation of hostilities.