AWB fiasco

With Parliament still in Summer break the ALP are beside themselves with the AWB fiasco. Ever keen to prove Howard micromanages every single aspect of government they are braying in ecstacy trying to get the public to pick up on a connection between Howard writing a standard ‘PM encouraging the troops’ type letter and extrapolate that to mean he is saying ‘pay all the bribe money you need, just get the job done’ Not working, guys. The media move into feeding frenzy mode nowithstanding there a very few morsels. Terry McCrann, writing in the Herald nails it with this piece.
THE John Fairfax print media group’s Marian Wilkinson clearly thought on Sunday night she had been handed the much-desired ‘smoking gun’. Pity for her, it was a smoking pop-gun. That though didn’t stop Wilkinson, who preaches, so to speak, at the David Marr School of Hate-Howard Journalism, from throwing facts and fairness — to coin a phrase — completely overboard.
But the best take is at The Currency Lad’s place where he talks of an amusing outbreak of Howard Derangement Syndrome Well worth the read.

One comment

  • Personally I’d approve of legislation requiring every single action by a government body to have personal approval by the PM.

    Imagine how much freedom we’d have to actually get on with life.