Good news for diabetics

INSULIN that is inhaled rather than injected could be available in Australia within a year. The revolutionary form of insulin, which does not need to be administered with a needle, was approved by health regulators in the US yesterday. Exubera, a dry powder insulin that more quickly controls blood sugar levels, has the potential to make treating diabetes easier for up to 1.4 million Australians who have some form of the disease.
“This will help improve the quality of life for the many Australians who have to inject insulin several times a day,” said Dennis Yue, head of the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital’s diabetes research foundation in Sydney. “Exubera can be used by people with both type 1 or type 2 diabetes, but I think doctors will initially give it to adults,” Professor Yue said.
If you know a dibaetic make sure they know this – it will dramaticaly improve their quality of life