Aborigines betrayed: Yunupingu
THE Northern Territory’s most influential Aboriginal leader has broken his silence to rally indigenous Australians against what he calls the betrayal of the reconciliation agenda, calling, as a protest, for the return of a symbolically important painting now hanging in Federal Parliament’s Great Hall.
Galarrwuy Yunupingu said yesterday that the Barunga Statement, a painting he presented to the prime minister Bob Hawke in 1988, should be returned to the red soil of Barunga, a settlement in the territory, to protest at the failure of successive governments to tackle Aboriginal disadvantage.
Before Galarrwuy starts digging the hole to bury the statement he might give pause to answer some questions himself.
For example;
Why does he drive around in Range Rovers and 100 series Toyotas while his people drive clapped-out old falcons or toyotas?
Why does he have total access to a Jetranger chopper while his people walk?
Why is his son at a prestigious boarding school while his people in outstations near Nullunbuy are iliterate?
Why does he have several ‘palaces’ (local Police Sgt’s definition) while his people live in run down houses?
Galarrwuy, if I was under investigation for missues of Northern Land Council funds I’d adopt a lower profile before people start asking “who’s betraying whom?
Are you suggesting but only by living in the conditions of the people they claim to represent can a person claim to speak for them…???
How the hell can Howard speak for battlers then, when he lives in luxury on the North Shore…
Absurd reasoning
You are incredibly ignorant. Yunupingu sat on the Northern Land Council that allocates the Mining royalties. Instead of using the money to help his people he spends it on luxeries for himself. Did you have some cute notion that he was using his own money?
Being that ignorant you could not possibly come up with any comments worth posting….goodbye…go to another site
How about the fact howard is meant to live in canberra and doesn’t so he has to spend thousands of tax payer dollars on extra flights to canberra from kirabilli??
I agree with the sentiment of the thread however and far too much of this goes on (aboriginal leaders frizzling away money), old mate sugar ray is another prime example of this.
Many aboriginals themselves are outraged by the way they have been f*cked over by their so-called leaders. Take ATSIC – very little money ever trickled down to those it was meant to help. It was misappropriated for private use by the few families who had gotten onto the govt. bandwagon. Millions of dollars unaccounted for, criminal frauds for which nobody was ever charged. Relations on the payroll, ‘free’ cars given out, millions spent on booze and other ‘luxeries’, like hiring taxis to carry alcohol to the reserves (hundreds of miles in many cases)..
How anyone of sound mind could compare this situation to John Howard’s ‘aspirational Australians’ is beyond me, but then – most of the moral-equivalence theories of the left are totally beyond me, or anyone else capable of logical, prejudice-free thought.
Smokescreen, anyone?
Guidelines previously advised….
You believe me to be ignorant. I believe your point on Galarrwuy to be inconsistent.
Your previous comments from June 15 have not progressed the matter of the investigation ?
Is the investigation still underway ?
Has he been found guilty ?
If not, then surely my point is valid. He is condemed for living in relative luxury, the (unspoken) implication being that he has his snout in the trough.
Would he accomplish more if he did not fly in a helicopter ?
Would he accomplish more if he drove around in a clapped out falcon ?
Should he only seek to educate his son in a local state school ?
If he has been misappropriateing funds, then go for his throat. But until then, to suggest he cannot, as an influential leader on such matters deserves to be debated. Which I’ve done.
Dear kev,
Getting a bit touchy or can’t you handle soem criticism.
You might as well close the site if you cannot tolerate dissent from your own narrow view of life etc
You will probably block this message.
The consistent view I see from your web site is form the far right; not much balance at all.
Give barry a fair go. Just beacsue he disagrees with you doesn’t mean that you have to block him.
Kev, Yunapingu has been cleared by a NT investigation – as he rightly says the libs in Canberra are keen to emasculate any Indigneous leader who speaks out about the racist policies that keep many Aborigines in poverty. Your red neck attack on a great Australian is classic diversion from the points at hand. Pull your head out of the sand
No names , no pack drill but, someone had a high volume new car business, resting on selling the stock to those on a `land council’ who had their hands on the funds.
The walked in, buy up to six new 4wds,drive them into the ground by the end of a week and, back into the yard to buy another number of 4wds. That went on ad infinitum.
The dealer was actually angry, for he saw all that property taken by taxation thrown down a drain, in effect. Take even just 4 4.wds per week at between $50,000 to $70,000 each and that is
$800,000 to $1,120,000 per month. That is what he was selling to the `officers’ and `friends’ of one land council per month.
So Barry Bones and Peter can whine away, as they usually do, but Kev has called it right.
Got a source which we can view or is this unsubstantiated dribble of the Children Overboard type ?
Red neck…head in sand. Hmmm I have been there…I know…you have read an article without any knowledge of the depth of the problem and still comment with such authority.
….racist policies that keep many Aborigines in poverty are mostly from their own structures however the worse racist policies that is still keeping them in the stoneage is the Whitlam/Coombes policy of forcing them to outstations, a failed policy that is being reinforced by Yunupingu. And don’t get me started on tribal law. In a first world country we have Yunpingu advocating spearing miscreants in the thigh with a dirty stick and thinks it’s ok for a mature man to analy rape a teenager…give me a break!
Yesterday I buried an aborigine friend and hugged his three sisters one at a time while they wept for him and I’m the racist red neck.
The investigation has not addressed the issues as yet and possibly never will but the facts are out there. Whatever you do, don’t read up on any of them
Dear Kev,
Whatever happened to the old maxim ” innocent until proven guilty”.
It seems that some of your contributors don’t think that this applies to aboriginals charged or being investigated for illegal activity.
Why are double standards applied. How many white businessman have ripped off you and me: Bond, Rich, Adler, Maher, Cooper, etc.
I am sure these guys have racked up billions stolen and misappropriated from shareholders and tax payers compared to a few thousand or perhaps twenties of thousanbds that the indigenous people have been accsued of stealing.
Don’t be so narrow minded and hypocritical.
Apparently its OK for Mr Hicks to be anally raped by the US while in detention….. though lets not get off topic….
If they are FACTS, then why has the investigation found nothing with which to hold against Galarrwuy Yunupingu ??
Your full of shit peter, setting one sided standards.
Bond would never have been in a position to rip anybody off if it had not been for the Burke lead ALP Cabinet, who handed over major production assests, and the Federales forging more fiat money hand over fist which was thus, not surprisingly strained through into Bond Corp. That is why Bond could build a mountain of debt. Rich did not rip off anybody. Rich’s problem, and his aprtner’s , hile entrepenuers, they lacked the depth of experience to run a large company beyond the take-office phase. Yound Packer’s and Murdoch’s mistake was not to secure experienced top exxecutives were put in place. Depsite the rubbish of the charges levelled at Rich and Packer, no criminal fraud was involved, no rip offs involved, it was Packer’s and Murdoch’s capital which was sunk and lost. Business is never fire proof.
Adler was a fool trusting Cooper’s firm was sound. It wasn’t sound before HIH took it over. Cooper sounds like a scumbag. HIH chief financial officer shouldn’t have been ductile to Cooper, whikle Adler and his dad should have taken the Packer senr. beady eye to scrutinising possible acquistions.
Next, none of the above have anything to do with the real, criminal corruption which is the subject of Kev’s post. Peter commits a grave fallacy, false analogy and in a crude way, showing an obvious inability to engage in sound reasoning, i.e. is irrational.
Despite all the handwringing about the plight of aborigines, the former ATSIC and land councils keicked their own aboriginies into the ground by corrupt usurers who claim to be oh so compassionate and hard at work bettering aborigines as they stuff their faces, their wallets, their bank accounts with the massive amounts of proceeds tkane by the Federal govt. by the measure of taxes.
Unlike those matters, no one compelled anyone to have anything to do with Cooper, to buu Cooper’s business, as no-one, including customers were compelled to have anything to do with Rich’s collapsed telco. A great deal of difference, but, as usual, entirely lost to the whiners.
Next, instead of reading balck armband rubbish and other myths, Peter and Barry Bones should do some hard scholarly background. the real history of white-aborgine relations is rather different to the garbage pumped out and embraced by leftoids. Kev’s anecdote , `Yesterday I buried an aborigine…’ is consistent with the real history.
Another illustration:
Brothers of a catholic order acquired a cattle station and, were training the local aborigines in the disciplines, all disciplines, including business management, to run the station profitably. The brothers had prepared for the handover of full property title to the abrogines, on a shareholding basis, that is capital ownership, split between the aboringines, once they had been full equipped to run the station successfully of the station independendtly of the brothers. That didn’t happen.
The bull-shitting polticians and bureaucrats stepped in. Under the preserve the aborgines as primitve tribesmen, they sequestered the property and converted, according to their fantasies into nothing more than primitive tribal territory. The station fell into disrepair, the aborgines into destitution and permanent mendicancy. Those socialist bsatrds runied excellent prospects for those aborgines out of their rousseaunian rot about the wonders of primitive tribalism. That is what those bastards did to those aborigines, Petey Boy and Boneless Barry.
All the hand wringing of the leftoids, bureaucrats, liars pretending to be hsitorians and other dropkicks papers the real ruination of aborigines and their prosepcts is committed by not at all comapssionate arseholes in govt., including the land councils and the defunct AtSIC. They buyild absolutely zip, raise up not one aborigine out of what is nothing less than depravity. To the contrary, what the bastards have done is to bury many aborgines in depravity and held under by the same odious and, at bottom, totalitarian bastards.
Bye the bye,Petye boy and Boneless Barry, I read history and anthropolgy and a bit more besides, and the lies told by leftoid wombats weilding their socialisto plans were glaring even back then.
`Got a source which we can view or is this unsubstantiated dribble of the Children Overboard
type ? ‘ What you mean is, will betray confidence for your perverse pleasure Barry Bones, nop and so that some slimey lefftoid bastard can persecute the chap,no boody way. I realise leftoids are treacherous but Bones , you must get a grip on this, non-leftois are not given to such disgusting conduct as you demand.
`is this unsubstantiated dribble of the Children Overboard’ You are a disgusting man Barry Bones, rude, nasty, sneering, bad mannered, and not nearly so celver as you seem to believe you are. Typical of leftoids.
If I personally see a person murder another and I’m aware of mental circumstances of the perp then I know he is guilty until proven guilty whatever the law says. If the lawyers get him off on some technicality, as they often do, then in my mind he is still gulity.
I have seen Nullunbuy with my own eyes and I know what the circumstances are. You are quoting newspaper articles
Bond, Adler etc had no access to public funds- what’s your point? Shareholders have the ability to limit their exposure to excesses of management by voting to boot them off the board, or unloading shares- taxpayers don’t have that escape.
Malfeasance and fraud is endemic in the Aboriginal industry, and it is all public funs bieng swiped; if it was white bureaucrats engaging in the same behaviour, they’d be suspended, charged by the AFP under the Crimes Act and thrown in the pokey.
Coconuts* are seemingly exempt from such due process.
*Brown on the outside, white on the inside.
Umm Howard cant speak for battlers, never has never will. Unfortunately its the many ignorant and gullable battlers who are stupid enough to believe his garbage and keep him in power.
Dear D,
Your spelling might improve if you read
your english books more carefully.
Dear PB,
Where do you think the funds came from; shareholders of course. Where do you think public money comes from; us of course.
The difference is that most of have to pay tax and what is left might be available to buy shares.
I was lucky that they did not get my money this time.
Comment 7.
Comment 8.
Comment 12.
Plenty more on other threads.
For some one in your profession you certainly are consistently sloppy, peter.