The man who would be King loses his head……again

Mark Latham is back in the news in such a manner that everyone in Australia should be thanking their respective gods that he didn’t get across the line at the last election. I presume that every time Mark’s name comes up, everyone who voted for him feels embarrassed at how they were conned.


  • Kev I voted for him and don’t feel guilty, I think liberal voters should feel guilty in light of the recent developments with the AWB, and the many broken promises and lies. Prime example being the rock solid iron clad guarantee regarding the medicare safety net.

  • Not guilty, embarrassed.

    AWB. If you want to do business with some Asian countries and most Middle East countries you do it their way and that includes backshees. It doesn’t matter what your political affiliation.

  • Kev – I dont live in Weirawa. Why should I feel guilty if I voted Labour..???

    I feel disappointed at his dumping on Labour, but then again I suppose most Libs might feel disappointed at Malcolm seeing the light and turning to his compassionate side ! Or Hewson….

    Should all Queenslanders who voted for the corrupt Joh feel guilty ??? Ahhh… the golden days… Sir Terrance Lewis !!! What a leader he was !!!

  • I said embarrassed, not guilty.

    I’m suggesting there should be some introspection involved if you had voted for a party that seriously put Latham up as a potential PM.

    I’m not a Fraser, Joh or Lewis fan but, at the very least, Fraser had sufficient house training in him to enable him to run a political party.

    Not so Latham.

  • You guys have got to be kidding? the only problem you see with the Latham/labor fiasco is that he dumped on labor? the various assaults, theft, swerving a car at a journo (and hitting him), the sheer lack of any class, the hypocrisy, mental instability, paranoia, lying about both his beliefs and his policies and then, finally, dumping on labor.

    Remember, Latham didn’t just spring into being – he came up through the labor political system – was ‘sponsored’ and guided from the very top – yet nobody seemed to notice that he was unstable, paranoid, violent, a hypocrite, etc and such a complete fruit loop became the labor party choice for PM of Australia.

    The fact that that happened IS a reason for anyone who voted labor to feel both guilty and ashamed – but far more importantly, it is a reason to feel very VERY afraid.

    The elephant in the room that everybody is too polite to notice is that the dysfunctional party that created and promoted him (in spite of a history that is a litany of personal failure) to its highest position, still exists. unchanged. how many of the current crop of labor politicians are also ticking time bombs?

  • Looks like Mr. Latham has won a photographic award for his efforts.
