Weird Melbourne stuff

MELBOURNE’S train temptress has struck again. However police and rail officials have met to plan an end to her saucy crime spree. The woman broke into a cabin on a peak-hour Frankston train on Tuesday night and broadcast X-rated praise of the driver to stunned commuters. The husky-voiced intruder is believed to be the serial seductress behind a similar break-in and announcement on the Sandringham line last week. The trespasser evaded capture by authorities on both occasions. What is with that city?


  • Aw Kev, haven’t you heard? Stevie “Wonder” Bracks started a “Fast Rail” program some time ago. Unfortunately it’s taking a, er, “little longer” to get running than originally promised.

    One might say it’s come off the rails (sorry).

    The “fast lady” is simply part of the Bracks government commitment to good customer service on public transport.

    After all, if your government supports a Police Commissioner who supports the Gay & Leso community more than she supports catching crims, what’s wrong with providing a little public porn at the taxpayer’s expense?

  • What is with that city?

    Whats with Queenslanders ???

    Children do this up there….??

  • Bracks has `integrated’ the tax spinner for the Junta, prostitution with cattle class transport. Makes sense, having jammed as many as possible onto the rattling body carts, it’s straight-forward, extract more revenues by compelling the prisoners to be serviced, as it were, by all the whores – inlcuding male prostitutes available. Now take a 10 minute trip, three cabooses stuffed with a couple of hundred passnegers, serviced by 100 whores, at, say $50 each, with a 30%payroll tax and 10% GST and, presto, 200 times $20= $4,000 every ten minutes rolling into the Junta’s hands.That is just on etrain or three trams.