Ocean deaths end coastguard patrols

AUSTRALIA’S frontline fleet of immigration boats has not patrolled the Torres Strait for three months after one sank with the loss of five lives.
Border protection patrols off Cape York, on the tip of Queensland, were halted after the October 15 disappearance of the Malu Sara, which was launched by Immigration Minister Amanda Vanstone on August 29. It was one of six new Immigration vessels for the region.
A preliminary report by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau will be completed later this month. Questions to be cleared up include; ■ concerns about the sea-worthiness of the vessel, as well as the response of emergency services to the floundering boat, which allegedly radioed that it was lost in fog soon after it departed Saidai Island – and more than 12 hours before a search was launched; and ■ why the boat was ferrying passengers between the islands. Badu Island Council deputy chairman Manuel Namoa yesterday said there were rumours that about 100 calls were made from the vessel to authorities during its voyage. An Investigation spokesman said he believed that was the case. Curiouser and curiouser.