Vic Police have too much money

A VICTORIA Police plan to issue patrol officers with a hi-tech chariot known as the Segway Human Transporter has been put on hold after striking an unexpected hitch: it is illegal.
“Segways do not meet the necessary requirements to be registered in Australia and cannot be used on the footpath,” he said. The vehicles — which cost between $7000 and $10,000 are also banned from registration because they do not have brakes, lights and a horn or bell.
They are rated at up to 20kph but I don’t think that would be that much faster than a policeman in full pursuit, particularly as I imagine they would be a bit difficult to manouvre in crowded streets. I’ve always thought that a lot of problems would dissipate in the face of two big coppers on the beat…walking….talking….meeting the people….frowning at young bucks…helping the little old lady and generally policing publically.


  • Stephen Williams

    The Vic police started to lose the plot when Kel Glare was appointed Chief. It’s steady decline has become ever more apparent to all. It’s primary focus nowdays seems to be revenue raising and social engineering, all the suburban stations are now closed and the few coppers left are kept in huge mega stations where they are safely isolated from the community. Long gone are the days when police concentrated on catching crooks and keeping the local hoons and nuisance makers under control.If you want promotion, organise a few “community festivals” or march for pay in gay events. Listen to the senior police who get on the 3aw morning show to see how far removed the leadership is from the general community. God I sound like a whinger.

  • I bet beat coppers are horrifed by this- they would’ve been looking forward to public ridicule and being followed by raucous laughter and snide derision.

    Vicpol is a fucking joke- they really need to get rid of commissioner Big Kev and go back to the policing style of Skull Murphy- nothing like a good beating to make a crim cough to anything.

  • I’d have thought it would be better to put a few more cops on push bikes, they can go faster, help keep the cops fit and don’t subject the poor bastards to ridicule.

  • Stephen Williams

    Big Kev on a bike in lycra bike shorts…. that would be something to scare the kids with.

  • As S. Williams observed, the cop on the beat has all-but vanished, and it’s not just in the big smoke.

    I live in a Central Vic town of around 8000. Our “CBD” comprises one block; two if you’re really generous. Our Police Station is manned (sorry – “personned”) by 35+ officers.

    When do we see a cop on the streets? When they’re nicking ’round the corner to do their banking or buy their Lotto ticket.

    Regular street foot patrols? WHAT! In this weather…. nevvaagghh!

    A cop’s wife has privately told me that the senior plods just want to sit out their time without hassels and then retire on a good Bracks pension, whilst many other junior cops are just bloody lazy and sit around on their arses doing SFA.

    Whom do we ultimately blame? Well, as the saying goes, “The biggest turds always float to the top”.