Hungry accused go on hunger strike

TEN men accused of being part of a terrorist organisation have gone on a hunger strike over prayer time in prison.
The men, who began the strike on Monday, want to be able to pray together on Friday afternoons and on special religious occasions. They have also complained they had not been getting enough food.
So a hunger strike fixes that? Win-win for all. Think how much money we will save on food.


  • As I understand it, they are still to be presumed innocent aren’t they Kev…. in which case, I believe they are entitled to begrudge treatment which isolates them as somehow worse than others who have been also accused of something and are also on remand… one rule for one group and another for others is dangerous….

  • Separate them…stop them concocting stories. They are worse than others as we have them on tape discussing blowing up Australians. Presumed innocent under law does not mean innocent – it just means it hasn’t been to court yet.

  • I concur
    when it comes to terrorists and people’s lives the ‘innocent till proven…’ can not apply can it? Better to be cautious than dead. If they were being physically hurt, fair enough, but praying together is a bit much… And the irony of a hunger strike due to not getting enough food is great!

  • What sort of idiot would allow people charged with conspiracy to murder to associate with each other prior to being tried by a court?

    The best answer is probably the idiot who wants the accused to be able to beat the charges by enabling collusion and story matching prior to their hearing in front of a jury.

    The question then has to be posed, what is motivating the aforesaid idiot to encourage the accused to manufacture evidence, collude and deceive?

    The best answer is probably that the idiot supports and encourages criminal conspiracy because of his political convictions, and is prepared to see Australians murdered in support of his convictions.

    Pathetic people. Given their right to bleat by better men and women than they will ever be.