Gee, Saddam was involved in training terrorists after all

THE FORMER IRAQI REGIME OF Saddam Hussein trained thousands of radical Islamic terrorists from the region at camps in Iraq over the four years immediately preceding the U.S. invasion, according to documents and photographs recovered by the U.S. military in postwar Iraq. The existence and character of these documents has been confirmed to THE WEEKLY STANDARD by eleven U.S. government officials. As Michelle Malkin says; This is important news. It ought to be on the front pages. It won’t be. So spread the word.


  • Perhaps people are suspcious of anything which comes out of US intelligence in light of their abysml record of stuff ups

  • Dosan,it was a fact before the war, Saddam provided training grounds counted in square miles for terrorists, funding for the training and other things. These documents only confirm what was the case. As one Iraqi army officer said, soon after the war, Saddam had turned Iraq into a terorist camp: an Iraqi amry officer said that, Dosan, not U.S. intelligence officers.

    Next, the documents are evidence Dosan: it’s not some agent saying, `I say it is so’.