Tehran ‘seeks nuclear bomb’

IRAN is secretly trying to obtain technology and expertise needed to build a nuclear weapon, according to a leaked intelligence report that threatens to deepen a rift with the West over its nuclear program.
Tehran’s nuclear purchasing plans stretch from Europe to North Korea and the former Soviet states, Britain’s The Guardian newspaper said, citing a report by an unnamed European intelligence agency.
It should read Tehran seeks ‘air attack by Israel’ as a report from Jeruselum says ‘Israel denies it’s about to bomb Iran nuke site’ Israel will not live under the threat of a rogue state having the ability to nuke them. They will do something.


  • Wonder if its the same intelligence group that made the claim about the WMD’s in Iraq…. or Iraq buying uranium from Africa….????

  • Dear Kev,

    I am very concerned at Iran’s poor attitude to Bush and the US government.

    I hope that the CIA will be able to find those WMD’s that you beleive that Iraq had moved out of the country. If the CIA gets it right like last time then you might be happy because the US might have to invade Iran.

    if the CIA said that they had a N bomb who is now going to believe them. I am sure that Bush might even ask a question or two if he could get the wattage up to do it.

    I don’t think that Bush has the balls or the support after his now acknowledged debacle in Iraq. Interesting to see that they won’t now spend any money on rebuilding after the shit was bombed out of it.

    Then again there is no accounting for stupidity.

    Good old Uncle Sam.

    Smells like Vietnam . I am sure that you remember that Kev.

  • Ofcourse Bush wont invade Iran…. he’s stuffed the Middle East so much his minders wont let him near the holy lands again

  • By the way Kev. I thought the Guardian was a leftie scumbag paper. Surely you dont regard anything written in the Guardian as fact ???

  • Iran has announced its intention to build nukes. thats enough to get the Israelis writing up Op ordes – they’ve tried waiting to see if it will all blow over before, and it didn’t go well, they won’t repeat that mistake.