Merry Chrismas

I wish a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year to my supporters, detractors and those I have yet to meet and call on all of you to remember that whereas we differ in opinions we still live in a great country. Adrian at A man of Lettuce has a nice human interest post with a military bent and I commend his post to all of you. 20 plus in-laws and outlaws will be here at my place tomorrow (my own family are in West Australia) and some old Army friends will drop in. The bar is rebuilt, the fridges and eskies loaded, the pool clean and inviting. I will buy a mob of ice tomorrow morning and throw in the pool to try and bring the water temperature down from today’s 34 degC. The weather forecast promises a typical Brisbane Christmas….39 deg C. Muslims, Christians, Agnostics, Athiests, Hedonists, Caucasions, a Jew, Aboriginies, Chinese/Malay, Poms, Kiwis and Paddies. Hate Howard, laugh at Kim, Left-wing, Right Wing, Don’t know and Don’t care will all gather at my home at Taigum – symbolic of what is good about Australia. My forward scout from Vietnam days, Rob Edgell, has been our house guest for a couple of days complete with wife and daughter so if you have noticed the lack of posts then that should explain it. We had to catch up with what the guys are doing and refight the battles again. We won them all this time (and the last time for that matter) Christmas Eve 1970 I lay in ambush with very few “peace to all mankind” feelings in my heart. I was lonely, missing my wife and very hopefull that no VC would venture out of the Long Hai enemy stronghold that night…..please Santa! If nothing else, that ambush patrol gave me a base to judge all subsequent Christmases and surprisingly they have all been better ones. So tomorrow, spare a thought for all those men and woman overseas away from their love ones. Whatever you think, they know they are defending your freedoms and that is all that matters. Enjoy your day.