Left’s silence a vote for Iraq

The best indicator yet of imminent success in Iraq is the fact that the left have gone totally quite about the war. It’s like the Left collectively said…Uh uh… Iraq is looking more and more like a winner…we’ll have to find something else to make Bush and the US look evil before people start to doubt our superior wisdom I know! Lets recycle the “US is spying on their own citizens” line. Of course we couldn’t mention it when Clinton was doing it but now there is a Republican in the White House…well let’s attack. The good news is that Iraq will keep on progressing towards a democratic society and by Australia Day in January people will have realized the ‘spying’ red herring is just that and will have moved on. 2006 could be a better year than ’05 and that was pretty good for us conservatives.


  • Kev,

    Not as rosy as you portray.

    Have a look at McGeogh’s report today and other more critical analysis of the results.

    Civil war is about to erupt.

  • Don’t quote McGeogh at me Peter – might as well quote Lenin

  • peter

    you’re a parody right?

  • Murph,

    I hope I am not a “parrot” like Alana Jones and others that support his views.

  • Ironic that the one journo who is actually in Iraq, namely McGeogh, is the one those Bush lovers hate. I respect that they may have a differing view, but it would be like me telling Kev Vietnam was nothing but a few squirmishes and not a big deal at all. I wasn’t there so I guess I’d have to accept Kev’s view. Frankly, to suggest that a person in Iraq is a liar, from the comfort of an Australian lounge is… pathetic….

    Merry Christmas Kev. Love your site. Debate is good. Ignorance is bad. Closing your eyes, worse !

  • Dosan
    I agree that first hand opinion is more important. But McGeogh is only one of thousands.

  • I hope I am not a “parrotâ€? like Alana Jones and others that support his views.

    WTF?! Is that an attempt at humour? ’cause you’ve just proven to all and sundry that you’re a complete toolsqueezer.

    Ironic that the one journo who is actually in Iraq, namely McGeogh, is the one those Bush lovers hate.

    There are plenty of other journos in Iraq, particularly Iraqi bloggers who have an entirely different view from McGeogh.

  • Murph,

    I suppose the bloggers are paid by the US Defense Department. I hear that they have spent millions buying paid editorials and ham articles. If I was an Iraqi I owuld be glad to get some greenbacks and write bullshit for them.

    Wake up mate and pull your head out of your ….