Fairfax still in trouble

FAIRFAX announced a new editor of The Sunday Age last night as the publisher prepared to distribute a list to staff today of 60 journalists across its flagship titles in Sydney and Melbourne who will be made redundant as it attempts to slash costs. Just deserts for targeting a left-wing anti-Howard readership. There isn’t enough of them to pay the bills.
In the Herald’s Canberra bureau, senior political correspondent Mike Seccombe and arts writer Lauren Martin had their redundancy confirmed, but it was unclear whether columnist Alan Ramsey was leaving.
We can always live in hope that clarity prevails and Alan Ramsey is given his marching orders. Maybe the newspaper in some hippy colony like Nimbin could take him on and thus restrict his confused utterings to those who might agree. The rest of us need a break.


  • We can all hope that News Corp will own all the press in Australia. Is that your dream Kev. Why is diversity of opinion such a bad thing ?

  • Kev, If they go who would feed Barry/peter there daily dose of McKnowledge?

  • They don’t need daily doses Gary. They are working on old arguements and will never see new ones. Like the old Marxists who still say Mother Russia was wonderful even after the archives had been opened.

  • It is not diversity of opinion but diversity of fact that is the issue.

  • Gary, they don’t need it, they already know The Truth.

  • Alan will always find a bloody job because he is capable of being a controversial dickhead.

    That’s all they want sometimes.