Sedition Laws

Now that the ACTU/ALP commentariat have predicatbly lost the IR battle they now attack the sedition laws. At larvatusprodeo Mark tries to build a case for the government to arrest him because he’s buying and reading anarchist books and in so doing is financially supporting sedition. The Sedition Laws have been in existance longer than most Left wing Howard haters have and this is the first time in all those years that the Left feel they propose a threat. To answer your stupid question – no Mark, you will not be arrested for buying stupid anarchist books. What you have to do is publically encourage people to take over the government by violent means; to encourage or teach terrorist to blow up Parliament House or the Sydney Harbour Bridge. You need to do something like go overseas and complete a terrorist course on explosions and suicide bombing and then return to Australia and try and conduct a terrorist mission. The country and it’s policing agencies are well used to the Left wing’s pathetic posturing on these matters and treat them with the ignore they deserve. The Left’s issue about free speach is a non issue. Laws already exist that limit free speach; It’s OK to dissent, to call Howard a war monger, or in my case, Whiltam a fool . That’s OK but as soons as I threaten to kill Whitlam it’s not. In the meantime, inspite of this pathetic posturing, the Sedition Laws will be maintained and ASIO et al will be able to lock up terrorists prior to their blowing up Australian citizens. Like the IR laws guys, the new Anti-Terror bill is going to become law and as a result, Australia will be a better and safer place.