Teckno baby pics

Tom Cruise has made an unusual purchase for his fiancee Katie Holmes – one that will let them see the development of their baby. A Sonargram worth anything from $34 to $270K
The 43-year-old actor said the couple would do their own ultrasounds to look at their unborn baby.
I hope he has better luck than me. When the twins were due, sometime last century, my wife and I went to have a ultrasound test of the babies. “Look, see them?”, says the operator. “No!” “Can’t you see their hearts beating?” “No!” Disadvantaged, not being a sailor, I had never done a Sonar Interpretation course. All I could see was a whorl of grey lines. Pre-birth snaps are quiet popular these days and when I’m shown them I say what all other savvy husbands say; “How cute, a whorl of grey lines.”


  • I thought I’d seen most everything, but when we were in the big city of Dallas last month I spied a Sonagram store in a mall. I suppose it makes me appreciate small town America.

  • It depends a lot on the machine. On an old machine like our ob had in her office it was pretty much a swirl that took a lot to interpret. On the newer ones (especially when they did a transvaginal scan because of some early bleeding) it was a lot clearer, and having seen it clearly, made it easier to interpret the fuzzy scans. We also went and got a few 3d ones done (basically it takes several 2d scan and the computer processes them into a 3d image).

  • Dave. As I said…last century. In fact the twins are 28 in Jan.
    (I think) ;D. When my elder kids start producing I’m sure I will see an huge advance in the technology

  • Thinking about it, at the rate they’re going I’ll most probably have to show it to my Guide dog and let him interpret as I’ll be to old and nearly blind by the time it happens.

  • A proud mum and dad to be shoed, some years ago, their whorly grey lined photo of their baby and,
    all I can say is, well at lease you can see a scrucnhy pineapple faced newly delivered babe because, I was totally lost to exactly what one was supposed to be admiring,

    Post modern post conceptual art it might as well have been , they were slow, they could have claimed a yartz Council grant and retired in Switzerland on the strenght of that Derridean construction.