Hicks takes Brit bid to High Court

The British government will be duty-bound to get Australian Guantanamo detainee David Hicks released as soon as possible if the High Court reverses a Home Office decision rejecting his application to become a citizen, his lawyer says. No they won’t
Hicks, formerly of Adelaide, applied to become a British citizenship but was denied by the Home Office on the grounds that he fought alongside the Taliban in Afghanistan.
And that’s why. Funny, isn’t it. Australia has wiped their hands of Hick so his mouthpiece tries a new tack. Now the Brits have wiped their hands of Hicks as well maybe the message is getting through.


  • Maybe the Yanks should just kill him. Thats what would make you happy I bet. Myt god…. when did you loose your soul…. Inncoent until proven guilty is old fashioned, but should we throw it away ?

  • No, I don’t want him dead. I just think he should be incarcerated until the War against terror is over

  • So your happy to keepo a man locked away without charge ? Wow…. sounds like communism to me

    …. obviously notions of innocent until proven guilty are irrelevant to you…

    PS: the Yanks acknowledge he never fired on a US soldier…. how can he be charged with murder

  • Barry Bones: so even the gentle incacerating of Hicks would be cruel. Oh dear dear dear, yes,
    I can spot why:

    A man, and Hicks is a man and he was a man when he enjoined the reasons why he is in Gitmo,a man who jooins the murderous Isamic drug running,and terrosit syndicate the KLA, then joins the equivalent in
    Kashmir, then joins the totalitarian, mass murdering, terrorist funding and training and
    harbouring regime you know Barry, the one which flung, just for starters, women and children off walls for some `crime’ according to Islam, was all along a babe in the woods fighter for all lightness and truth.

    Now, i my books, a bullet is a waste of taxpayers’ money when the murdering little rotten Islamo-fascist asshole can be dropped off the edge of a high cliff top. Hicks is lucky that he is safe in hotel Gitmo.