Name wanted to sugar-coat Skippy steaks

From the Australian WHEN it ends up on the dinner plate, cow becomes beef, sheep becomes lamb, so why not invent a more palatable name for turning the national symbol into tucker? carried the article as well and called for suggestions from it’s readers. (Hop) Scotch Fillet, Hoppy Chops, Jumpy Rump, Porter Pouch Steak and Hoppy hamburgers are a few suggestions however the freakish had to join in. Angela says How about murdered national icon? and Mike: As a veggie for twenty years, I prefer the label “alive and free”. What is alive and free to Mike could well be alive, free and in plague proportions to the man on the land. In good years we have plagues of roos all watered and fed by the additional dams and grazing we have put in since settelement. There are countless more roos in the country than there were in the 1700s and it’s not as if they are an endangered species. Let the country make some money from them – God knows thay have cost us dearly too date. More suggestions here. Maybe you can think of some better ones.


  • Roosoles. Yum.

  • I don’t get it Kev. We must be the only country on the planet that does not eat the animals native to it. I have no problem what so ever with eating Kangaroo. A year or so back the Bracks government shot thousands of them at an army base then pushed them all in a hole and burnt them then covered them over. What an outrager waste of (what has been called) the best meat in the world.
    We have greenies running around like lunatics saying save this save that and save the other thing, but little noise about the open encouragement of non native animals (bad for the environment) for food.
    Its as big a disgrace as Japanese fishermen cutting the finns off sharks and throwing the good meat back to die. Shameful, disgusting and disgraceful waste of good food.

  • Patrick. We do eat them it’s just that a few mental lightweights
    who turn it into an emotive issue. As far as I’m aware the Kangaroo
    meat industry is slowly gaining strength. The Industry web page is

  • Thanks for the link Kev. I hope it speeds ahead ASAP.