Chemical stockpile led to raids

NSW and Victorian police have made arrests preempting a terrorist attack. I’ve just watched the news conference and had to smile at the journalists repeated questioning aimed at getting Commissioner Moroney to say Howard forced the police hand by his statement about possible, imminent terrorist attacks. Please say Howard forced your hand. Please say Howard was wrong. Please…pretty please! The Commissioner didn’t bite.
Nine men have been charged in Melbourne with terrorism related offences and seven were being held in Sydney after a joint counter-terrorism strike in the two states this morning.
Cleric arrested as well
ONE of the nine men arrested in anti-terrorism raids across Melbourne overnight was the outspoken Melbourne Muslim cleric Abu Bakr, his lawyer said today.
Residents shocked at terror raids in South west Sydney
Residents of Renown Avenue, Wiley Park, described their shock at being woken by armed police raiding a single-storey brick home nearby.
And predictably, a junior journalist was dispatched to find someone who thought they were good people.
Ms Beyrouthy said she believed several families lived in the raided home, and she had often seen them in the street. “I am surprised (about the raid),” she said. “I see a lot of people in there (and) they’re very good people. “We’ve never had any problems with them.”
TREASURER Peter Costello has indicated last week’s amendment to federal anti-terrorism laws was directly related to raids today on homes in Sydney and Melbourne targeting terrorist suspects. AFP confirms 15 held after raids Commissioner Moroney says ‘Someone has been shot at Green Valley’ The SMH has a link Man shot in western Sydney The Age obviously made a typo when they let this positive Howard statement through
Victoria Police chief commissioner Christine Nixon said the raids were connected to comments last week by Prime Minister John Howard regarding a “specific” terror threat.
But manage to quote a lawyer to balance the issue and reflect The Age’s point of view;
However, a lawyer acting for six people in Sydney described the prosecutions as “political and a great shame on this country”.
I think you will find the public will describe the prosecutions as a positive step in the war against terror and will feel just a bit of pride and relief in that our political leaders had the sense to amend laws to allow police to act prior to the event rather than have to play catchup after Australians have been killed. I particularly like the fact that Abu Bakr was also arrested. Altogether a good mornings work. We should thank the police and the politicians who had the stamina to pursue the terror bills passage through parliament inspite of all the left wing carping.


  • Well done police- will sleep better tonight- and thank God for John Howard who has the grace
    to respond calmly in the face of agro Jouros and the courage of his convictions and WILLnot
    deflected from acting in our best interest. LikeD the way Peter Costello
    handled Katherine McGrath’s stupid questioning on AM on Our AB BL—Y C

  • But, but — arent Muslims ‘just like us’? Isnt Islam the ‘religion of peace’? Oh, thats right, its been ‘highjacked’ by rogues. I’m sure that Evil John H.,ASIO, and the federal police planted all this stuff on innocent Muslims to deflect public attention from the proposed IR laws.

    Did anyone see the idiot Muslim woman being interviewed? She informed the tv crew that she had not been brought up as a racist (take that one with a grain of salt), but she intended to be a racist from now on, because we have ‘made’ her so. I assume she meant that she will hate Aussies forever because we dared to arrest her fellow Muslims for planning to carry out a terrorist act.

    These people are poison.

  • I laughed pretty hard when it came on the news – just so good to see. Now the little upstarts know that if they misbehave they will be punished. Some people muslim or not dont dont appreciate or deserve to live here – if you want to live in an islamic stae dont try to turn us into one just go and live in one overseas i am sure the standard of living will be just great!

  • I laughed too. I recall that even six months ago, Muslims here obviously thought they could get away with anything, and that Australia would follow in the dhimmi steps of the UK and Europe. They were causing trouble about hijabs etc and bitching about their many ‘grievances’.

    Not so cocky now, are they? In fact, Id say that they’re quite worried – you never know, all those Australian ‘rednecks’ they are so worried about might descend on Lakemba mosque with flaming torches. Or should that be ‘crosses’.