SAS soldier killed in Mid-east

DEVELOPING STORY: An Australian soldier serving in the elite special forces has been killed in a training accident in the Middle East, Defence said today. More as it comes to hand. UPDATE: From the Defence Media Centre
One of Australia’s most experienced special forces soldiers Warrant Officer Class 2 David Russell Nary, from the Special Air Service Regiment, was killed yesterday as a result of an accident that occurred during a training activity.
WO Nary had served for almost 25 years, experience that we can ill afford to lose.
Warrant Officer Nary was an extremely popular soldier with a wealth of special forces experience. He enlisted in the Australian Defence Force in 1981 and served as an infantry soldier in 8/9 Royal Australian Regiment, and 11/28 Royal Western Australia Regiment prior to joining the Special Air Service Regiment in 1989.
He had already served in three overseas rotations and was training for deployment in Iraq when the vehicle accident happened.
Warrant Officer Nary served the nation on operations in the Sinai, East Timor and Afghanistan. He was a professional and dedicated soldier. His experience, leadership and significant achievements within the Regiment were recognised in January this year when he was promoted to Warrant Officer Class 2.
Rest in peace soldier, your duty done. UPDATE: This is the second time that Naomi Nary has been widowed
It was a second tragic blow for Naomi Nary, who married the long-serving soldier after her first husband, SAS Corporal Gordon “Dutchy” Holland, was killed in a training accident in Perth in 1993. That first tragedy happened soon after the couple returned from their honeymoon.


  • Warrant Officer David Nary….Rest in Peace, you good and faithful warrior.
    +Lest We Forget+

  • Deepest sympathy to Family and colleagues of WO Dave Nary.

    Another sombre reminder that training for war is a hazardous business.

    +++Lest We Forget+++

  • I’m so sad to hear of the double tragedy for Naomi Nary.

    I have to admire her courage in loving these brave men at such risk of loss.