Poor Bloody Infantrymen

Scared to shoot back, British troops feel the stress.
LONDON: British troops in Iraq are suffering levels of battle stress not experienced since World War II, army doctors have warned, because of fears that if they shoot a suspect insurgent, they will face court.
That’s what happens when the government continually caves into the Left-leaning press. What a great bonus for the terrorists. Whenever one of theirs are killed they simply wind up the Western press who agitate for a trial of their own soldiers.
One source said: “There doesn’t appear to be any overt consideration or understanding of the pressures our soldiers are under. The unpopularity of the Iraq war at home and a belief that firing their rifles in virtually any circumstances is likely to see them end up in court are sapping morale.
Imagine, if during WW2 each and every Bomber Command pilot was charged and tried with murder after raids over Germany or Pte Smith on the Kokoda Track was charged because he killed a Jap before reading him his rights. Beggars belief!