Pirates or Terrorists?

The plot thickens with the ‘Piracy’ against the cruise ship Seabourn Spirit now being described as a possible ‘Terrorist” attack.
AN unexploded missile is embedded in an accommodation unit after a possible terrorist attack off the east African coast, Foreign Minister Alexander Downer has said today.
As well as missiles, the pirate/terrorists have RPGs and machineguns in their armoury.
The passengers on the US-owned Seabourn Spirit were woken by machinegun fire and a rocket-propelled grenade crashing into the vessel at dawn on Saturday about 160km off the coast of the lawless nation of Somalia.
My money’s on terrorists. A full armoury suggests an infrastructure that too date, hasn’t been a signature of pirates. UPDATE: Rueters report the missile is actually a rocket propelled grenade (RPG)
An unexploded rocket-propelled grenade remained on a U.S.-owned cruise ship after the vessel escaped an attack by pirates in the Indian Ocean over the weekend, Australia’s foreign minister said on Monday. “An unexploded rocket … is embedded in some of the passenger accommodation of the ship,” said Downer.
It’s actually a grenade but rocket or grenade…whatever, it’s still dangerous.