Call it for what it is.

I note, neither The SMH or The Age can bring themselves to use the word ‘Muslim’ when talking about the riots in Paris. The Australian manages to touch on the subject though.
Crackdowns on Muslim associations in the suburbs, rising unemployment, inequality of access to the top French schools and universities, and the housing crisis that keeps many poor workers in high-rise council estates on the periphery of Paris were all blamed for the rioting.
Maybe lack of education is more to blame for inequality of access to French education and for rising unemployment but that’s not going to be acceptable to the local Clerics. Keep ’em ignorant. Force 12th century ethics, morals and knowledge down their throats. Maintain the rage and envy….hate us for our success based on superior education and separation of powers and the subsequent comforts all this brings. Maintain your disadvantaged status or join the 21st century.


  • Greetings,

    I think the confusion may have started with a joke on our flights into Riyadh. It went: “Fasten you seat belts, set your watch back 1 hour and your calendars back 1,000 years.”

    But in truth, Muslims are actually representatives of the 7th century, which is when Mohammad lived.

  • In Paris the excuse for rioting and burning is ‘rising unemployment’ etc. In Denmark, the excuse is that the nasty infidels dishonoured Mohammed by drawing cartoons. In the ME, the excuse is the existance of Israel. And ‘inequality of access to top schools and universities’? Some important info for these idiots – 95% of the French population dont have access to these places, because France is still governed by old families of wealth and social importance.

    The real aim, and its a very obvious one, is global jihad against all non-Muslim countries. I think the cure is a very obvious one also – stop all immigration from Muslim countries.

  • I would have thought the solution is crushing the immigrant population as if they are back in SE Asia and Africa. Ah, colonies, don’t you love ’em?

  • I dont think the longterm solution is ‘crushing them’, because this kind of resentment and hatred simply goes on and on. The real solution is to start removing Muslims from western countries. It has been adequately demonstrated that Islam is not compatible with western values and importing millions of people from societies that are functioning at 7th century level solves nothing. Muslims consistently bring down the level of every country where they are allowed to settle. They bring nothing of value, on the contrary, they import many abhorrent customs. Islam has contributed exactly zilch to lifting the condition of humanity to a higher level – in fact, with its hatred and mistreatment of women, its emphasis on rote learning from the koran as the only form of education, and its bizarre insistance that non-Muslims are ‘inferior’ (when Muslims countries are the sh*tholes of the world and most Muslims are breaking their necks to get to the West) Islam has set the world back 1000 years.

    Some reasons why Muslim immigration should be curtailed.

    *Rioting in Paris and its attendant social and economic cost
    *Rioting in Denmark and — see above —
    *the ‘rape epidemics’ carried out by Muslims in Scandinavia and copied in Sydney
    *no-go Muslim areas in most large European cities
    *race riots started by Muslims in the UK and Europe
    *the rise in anti-Semitism, to the point where Europe is now dangerous for Jews
    *the threats directed at anyone who dares to ‘offend’ Muslims
    *the several murders carried out by ‘offended’ Muslims eg Theo van Gogh
    *the importation of barbarisms like ‘female cirumcision’ by Muslim immigrants
    *the importation of sharia law
    *the demeaning and mistreatment of women and the forced marriages of young girls
    *the constant threats and the stated aim that Islam should rule the world
    *the high level of crime committed by Muslims in every western country
    *the expense of the time and resources used to detect would be Muslim terrorists in our societies – like the ones in Melbourne who threatened to blow up the Opera House
    *the social division caused because of such topics as hijabs, and the continual demands that we change our rules and laws to suit Muslims

    Have I left anything out …

  • Dee. You most probably have left someting out but it doesn’t matter. I think we should be exporting any already here that aren’t totally with us and then we should slow down the immigration of people from these areas until we have some resolve on the issue. I doubt what is happening in France could ever happen here while we have aconservative government but any change could be dangerous. Some Left Wing MPs are definitely a worry.