‘Experts’ claim US losing match at quarter time

Terrorism experts Daniel Benjamin and Steven Simon have reached a stark conclusion about the war on terrorism: the United States is losing. Considering both of them were involved in the Clinton administration they would say that wouldn’t they? Terrorist experts from the Clinton Administration…yeah…right! As I recall all Clinton every did to counter the regular murder of US citizens and soldiers was to dispatch a cruise missile into an empty tent yet The Age happily accepts these guys as experts.
For Benjamin and Simon, the war on terrorism has cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars and failed to counter a deadly global movement responsible for attacks in London, Madrid, Bali, Indonesia, and Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.
Ah, the days of instant gratification. It simply isn’t going to happen that quickly. First establish a democracy in the Middle East then watch the citizens of surrounding Sheikdoms question then demand some of this democracy stuff, then encourage development including education that will one day slow down the supply of recruits to terrorism. It’s on for years guys. We are not fighting an Army all lined up ready to be defeated. They are everywhere and still able to fill the gaps in their ranks through the sheer ignorance of their recruiting base. Think beyond tomorrow and you might get the picture.


  • I watched Australia’s very own “expert” Aldo Borgu this morning. Obviously university is a hotbed of political and religious violence, because that seems to be where he attained his impressive credentials as a commentator for the media. His stint at ASPI was notable for it’s lack of contribution to realistic strategic goals.

  • If the Yanks are losing, what is the score in France?

    I watch the news, but this was news to me:

    The clashes began after two teenage boys were accidentally electrocuted last Thursday, as they tried to scale a wall … Police denied … pursuing them. …the incident has triggered nightly riots between largely ethnic-Muslim youths and police. …

    and what is a MANPAD surface to air missile?

    Read, and weep.
