Comments at Web Diary

Most readers would be aware that I don’t comment often but sometimes restraint dissolves and I feel compelled to throw in my two bobs worth. Bryan Law, Phil Moffat and Micheal De Angelos are the cause of said dissolution of restraint. I responded here and here They should all be hyperventialting by evening but alas, I have to forgo the pleasure and go do some work. I look forward to this evenings late read. UPDATE: Sigh! No one at Margo’s seemed to understand what I was saying. Never mind.


  • Don’t worry. I lose my cool looking there about a dozen times a day.

    I’m seriously thinking whether to leave or not, simply due to the tosser factor over there.

    Oh well. If nothing else, it will teach me patience.

  • Kev,

    Talking to those moonbats at Webdiary Inc. is like reasoning with that crazy man who shouts obscenities in the street.
    Waste of time. You will never change their opinions (deputy sheriff, oooiiilll, Chimpy McBushitler, Kyoto, Gaia, etc) and all you will get in return is thinly disguised contempt and outright sneering at your “reactionary” opinions.

    “Foul Ground” sign should be posted at that site.

  • UPDATE: Sigh! No one at Margo’s seemed to understand what I was saying.
    Never mind.

    You’ll have to take a course in fluent dickhead first…

  • Gibbo, you’ll only ever have trouble at WD if you take it seriously. It’s a comedy site.