Bali hit again

Terrorists strike again in Bali with Australian dead. Reuters Alert net say at least 12 dead from various countries and 41 injured ABC News reports;
Indonesian authorities have begun investigating three bomb blasts that ripped through crowded restaurants on the Indonesian resort island of Bali, which killed 25 people including at least one Australian.
A DFAT Travel notice has been issued at 03:12:52 AEST Sunday, 02 October 2005. I include that information for the fools who are currently working out how to blame Howard and Downer for the blast. More from DFAT
* One Australian is confirmed dead and nine Australians have been injured, some seriously * Consulate-General staff are at the scene and the Ambassador and other staff from the Embassy in Jakarta are travelling to Bali. * Emergency medical evacuations are being arranged for the most seriously injured * Embassy and Consulate officials are working with Indonesian authorities to establish what other assistance is required.
For an Indonesian perspective go read the Jakarta Post