Lynndie gets three years

Lynndie has been given a three year jail sentence and the Iraqis are furious.
IRAQIS have expressed fury over the three-year jail sentence for Lynndie England, the US soldier notorious for holding a naked inmate by a leash in Abu Ghraib prison, saying it exposed American hypocrisy.
They said the sentence would have been harsher had she been convicted of abusing Americans. At least according to the report the Iraqi’s are furious but on closer perusal the report actually defines “ the Iraqis ‘ (which you are supposed to read as all Iraqi’s) as four locals. An opinion off the street in Baghdad makes a deceiving headline. All of the Iraqi nation has now been cut to four. Obviously the editor told the hack to get out on the streets and find four locals willing to say they are furious. That’ll do. The hack chose Akram Abdel Amir, a retired bus driver in Baghdad and labourer Muntasser Abdel Moneim for down to earth opinions with Munir Abdel Sahib, a university lecturer and Najaat al-Azawi, 55, a retired engineer for intellectual creditability.
“America should be ashamed of this sentence. This is the best evidence that Americans have double standards,” said Akram Abdel Amir, a retired bus driver in Baghdad.
It’s also the best evidence that the people writing the release have double standards.
“There are Iraqis in jail without any charge, just based on suspicion. But when it comes to Americans, the matter is totally different.”
True, there were, and maybe still are people in jail just based on suspicion but in some cases these suspicions become fact and there were some inmates implicated in blowing up woman and children. Which is obviously nowhere as serious as holding a naked inmate on a leash in Abu Ghraib prison. Fairly balanced reporting.