Lynndie is off to the slammer

US soldier Lynndie England participated in humiliating prisoners at Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison because she enjoyed it and had a sick sense of humour, a military prosecutor said today.
England’s lawyers have said she took part in the humiliation because of an overly compliant personality but Captain Graveline responded to that defence by showing a poster of her pointing derisively at an inmate’s genitals. “What soldier wouldn’t know that that’s illegal?” he said.
This one. Tacky, stupid, crass, brainless, dumb, foolish, half-witted, idiotic, ill-advised, imbecilic, inane, indiscreet, insensate, unintelligent, unthinking or witless…yes, but illegal?
England, who faces up to 11 years in prison if convicted on all seven counts, was also shown in posters holding a naked prisoner on a leash. In previous statements, she had said the poses were a joke.
11 years for a victimless joke. Lynndie is now the victim.


  • Give me a fucking break…..if that is all she did, she deserves a GCM, not a jail term. What is happening here?? NOT FUCKING ILLEGAL!!!! I am so angry I could choke!!!!!

  • This is the US military bowing down to the faux outrage of the left wing press in the US.
    A lot of my respect for their military just went out the window with this decision. Kev described her actions better than I could as being dumber than dogshit, but a CRIME? No way.

    However, don’t forget the arseholes who went after a very senior SASR soldier for “kicking a dead body” in East Timor. Proven to be wrong, based on lies and rumour, but took two years to investigate and put an indelible stain on the character of one of our best soldiers.

    The pogos still come out of the woodwork when the shooting stops. It has ever been so.

  • “Tacky, stupid, crass, brainless, dumb, foolish, half-witted,
    idiotic, ill-advised, imbecilic, inane, indiscreet, insensate,
    unintelligent, unthinking or witless…yes, but illegal?”
    Yep. Illegal. A black and white case. If she had carried out the same actions
    in a civilian prison or a police lock-up in her home state she could expect to be charged
    on multiple counts of indecent assault and prisoner abuse.
    What difference should she expect there to be if she commits the same offences in Iraq?
    – except of course that there is the aggravating element of the injury
    she has caused to the reputation of the US military when it needs the respect
    and co-operation of the Iraqi people.

    Not at all comparable with the SASR soldier “kicking a dead body”- as I recall it
    of someone who had just tried to kill him. Even if he had done that, common-sense
    should have dictated that, at most, he should have got a rebuke from his superior officer.
    I hope that the small-minded idiots who pursued him are suffering some career-limiting