Major Mori damages Jaw

Major Mori has discovered a new defence for Hicks. He’s really a Pom.
“He told me he’d never felt very partisan about the Ashes and wouldn’t mind much if England took the series because his mum had never claimed Aussie nationality and still carried a UK passport,” Major Mori told The Observer.
Mori realizes this fact could delay justice further and exclaims;
“My jaw hit the floor. I asked him: ‘Do you realise that may mean you’re legally a Brit?’ We both knew that the implications of that could be stunning.”
I’m not sure that nationality will have much bearing on his defence but I’m happy to be stunned as well, so long as Hicks does his time in Britain and never darkens our door again. It’s a win-win for Aussie and the Poms should expect some penalty for having the temerity to take the ashes off us.


  • Apparently it can take between 6 months and a year to process applications
    for registration as a UK citizenship where the birth was before 1983 and the mother
    is a pom.

  • Nice irony in sending Aussie criminals to England.

  • Maybe we could send a lot over there. They seem to be happy to take all comers…including iffy Moslems