Ex Judge touts for book sales

Sir Edward Woodward, a former barrister, judge and head of spy agency ASIO, says in his new memoir that Australia was wrong to take part in the US-led coalition of the willing. Well he would, wouldn’t he. The judge has always been anti conservative and against the war for years. Two years ago the Age ran a piece by the good judge and today the Australian recycles his anti-bush/Howard/Iraq war opinions to help the old guy sell a book he’s written. I presume when the article starts with ‘Ex Judge’ I’m supposed to read his words and tremble. The man is so educated he must know more than me. His words are gospel. Well, I don’t tremble, I don’t think his words are gospel. I actually think his word indicates a lack of exposure to the world in general.
He said it was significant that “very few informed voices” had supported Mr Howard’s decision.
Other than those who voted him back in, that is. Maybe they weren’t informed of the judges opinions but they were informed.


  • It could be worse. His book could be full of blinkered right-wing, jingoistic punditry.

  • …or blinkered left-wing jingoistic punditry depending on your viewpoint. His saying “very few informed voices” had supported Mr Howards decision suggests everyone who does support Howard is not informed – that is where he looses me. You, or the good judge cannot say I am not informed but only that I have differing views. I spend one or two hours every week day reading the press from all over the world covering all political viewpoints and then read the opinions of others in blogs.

    I am informed, I just arrive at different conclussion than the judge but as I pointed out in an earlier comment, you, the Judge and I have all arrived at this point in time by very different routes so we are bound to disagree.

    If you had some more of life experiences under the belt and the judge had spent more time outside the law courts maybe we wouldn’t be in disagreement.

    Who knows?