Mahem in Iraq

With the media’s mindless and selective attack on Bush over Katrina, the terrorists seek to capitalize on the President’s bad polls by putting further pressure on the American public to call for the withdrawal of US troops and let the Iraq struggle back to the 12th century . A series of apparently co-ordinated car bombs and execution-style murders rocked Iraq yesterday, killing at least 142 people and wounding 227. In one of Iraq’s deadliest single bomb attacks, at least 114 people were killed and 162 injured when a suicide car bomb detonated amid a group of labourers in the Shi’ite district of Kadhimiya in Baghdad.
A witness said the car drove up into the square and the driver called out that he wanted to hire daily labourers. As a crowd gathered around the car, the driver set off his bomb.
How proud the terrorists must be – can’t you see them sittting back and drinking their coffee while discussing the successes of the day.
We’re winning…great day today…we killed 142 of our own people. The US media will report it ad nauseum and put further pressure on Bush to withdraw.
Mongrels. So are the Terrorists.