Aussies will pay, says bomber

SENTENCED to death for his role in the embassy bombing in Jakarta last year, the terrorist known as Rois had an unrepentant message for Australia.
“All of you will receive heavier punishment than what you have done to me,” he said, smiling, as he was led away by armed police.
We might pay, you will be dead. UPDATE: Second bomber handed death sentence. Reader PQ (see comments) is right, of course. There is a long way to go before the sentence is applied. The Indonesians may well reduce the penalty on appeal but at least the courts have shown they are prepared to be tough on terrorism with the initial sentence.


  • When this maggot is six feet under, I will believe that justice has been done by the Indons.

    Their track record suggests that he will have his sentence reduced to 40 hours community service on appeal.

    Only people who cop severe sentences in Indonesia are pretty white women.

    Ratbags who maim and murder get a tap on the wrist provided they can yodel “Allah Akbar” loudly enough in the zoo that masquerades as an Indonesian court.

  • Fascinating how the death sentence of an Indon can be applauded by our politicians, but they will
    not support the death sentence here in Australia. Hypocrisy!

    I also share the sceptism of PQ above.