Fathers Day

If there is sadness at having lost my father many years ago it is balanced by joy of having my five children and their partners dine with me on Fathers day and that of course, is life. One son-in-law was unfortunately on shift in a hospital but the other wannabe/bettersoonbe son-in-law dropped by to join us. We went to Racecourse Road for brunch and I got some great loot including a voucher redeamable at the local hardware store and an electric toothbrush. Fathers Day card However, the highlight was this card from my eldest son, the tonsorially challenged one, with the note “Thanks Dad” Although I still have a full head of hair, albeit white/grey/blonde, I burst out laughing on seeing it. Their presence was enough, the gifts a bonus, the card a hoot and all of it organized by my son’s fiance (and as of next Saturday, bride) who brings serenity, grace, humour and organization to our large family. Her family were there as well enjoying themselves as they adjust to the irreverant humour and frivolity of my tribe. Doesn’t get much better and I know my father would enjoyed himself no end.